Chapter 7

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A.N) Well hello how is everyone! Ok if you have seen Frozen the I know how you feel my English teacher played the songs so much... no idea why but he said his girls love it... thankfully it's summer now!! Yay!

Song: Welcome to the Black Parade

Artist: My Chemical Romance

Corals P.O.V

I walked down the stairs and my foot decided to slip. So now here I am on my back at the bottom of the stairs laughing my A** off. I was getting really weird looks and the I realized it's my birthday!! I got and ran towards the kitchen... only to get stopped by four hug guys! Felix, Cayden, Justin and Austin...

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY! YOU FINALLY 18!" They all yelled. Then I got picked up and carried into the backyard...

"No No No! Sebastian! Blaze! PUT ME DOWN!!" I screamed

"No problem!" they said laughing

I then felt water all around me.. I decided to give them a little scare.. I made a warm fire *Bubble* and floated up. I just lay there in the water breathing perfectly fine. I heard yelling and the someone jumped into the pool and started to swim quickly towards me. 'Haha k now show what we are made of Coral!' Nala said laughing 'See this is why your my wolf' we started laughing. 'Lets Do This!' I covered myself in fire and rose above the water slowly dripping. I saw everyone's shocked faces... 'Hey can we show them my powers?' 'You don't even have to ask!' I turned I to my Midnight Black wolf and howled... we were covered in black and green flames and then I did something I have never done before! I...

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