Another Shitty Day At School

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A.N Hey sorry this is kinda short but I'm writing this at 3:00 in the morning so i am kinda tired but I am so sorry for not updating in what seems like a year!! I swear i wil update frequently now!

Sebastians P.O.V

"Hey Austin! Can I talk to you?" I asked unsure about his response

"Bro...I already know about you being Coral's mate! She wouldn't stop talking about you!" He sadi chuckling

"Ok good just checking!" Chuckled

"oh and hey she wants to talk to you on the roof at lunch! You didn't hear it from me..." then he walked the other direction. I wonder what she wants to talk about?... 

A couple Hours Later:::

'Yes!' I cheered in my head as the lunch bell rang! I almost ran out of History but thankfully i kept my cool. I walked fast but not to fast past everyone and then I saw it! The door to the roof! I walked up and opened the door and quitley closed it. I walked up the stairs and there she was sitting on th railing looking as hot and beautiful as ever!!

Coral's P.O.V

I was sitting on the roof quitley watching as the leaves rustled in the wind waiting...hoping Sebastian would show up. 'I hear the door open!!!!!' Nala squealed I did a little happy dance and then stopped when I saw him looking at me with lust and love! he was perfect he was mine he was my mate!!! I sat as he slowly walked towards me. Then everything happened so fast! We were pinned to eachother as our lips ran in sync... it was glorious! He pulled back and and said oone thing 

"I Love You Coral and I Always Will!" he said with love

I ran my fingers through his hair and  whispered in his ear..

'I Love You Too Sebastian!" But then something happened his face went cold and he became stiff... he was looking behind me and he wasn't responding. I slowly tunred around and saw the horror he was looking at....


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