♕ → W A R ← ♛

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It was the night.

I gotten there once he did.

"Oh Jane... You look lovely" He said.

"Oh Fuck you too"

"Pleasant? Ready?!" He said with an angry look on his face and his voice changing into a more competitive kind.

"Let's do this" I said doing the same.

[Dark Words- Jeff] [Side words- Jane]

We ran. I tackled her into the ground and began to stab her. I pushed him away trying to ignore the burn. I dropped kicked him to the ground. I quickly got up from the kick.

They were fighting like animals.

I ran around her with my knife. I couldn't keep track so I just ran for the middle luckily I tackled him down. She tackled me. "BITCH!" I yelled and kicked her off trying to stab her. He tried stabbing me but I dodged all the stabbing. I kicked her off me almost throwing her off. Once I did she hit against a tree. I laughed. He threw onto a tree. Ouch that fucker. I groaned trying to get up. It was so dizzy. I walked up to her, Let's make you beautiful again. I grabbed my knife tight and stabbed into her cheek. I screamed on the top of my lungs and kicked him in the groin. "FUCK!"

ThenI heard sirens he did too. He ran. I layed there as against the tree and decided to hide in the bushes.

Once they finally left. I knew the fight was over. I walked home.

Well, Technically hide out.

I looked into the mirror. I saw the scar onto my cheek. "Shit" I mumbled to myself. I grabbed a towel and wet it a bit. I started wiping the blood.


It burned.

I layed there in stress. My eyes felt weak.

I saw a note.

I began to read it.

"Jane..I see that I'm almost done making you beautiful... Let me finish... If you're up for it"


That asshole. I wrote back.

"I accept your challenge... Good luck"

-Jane Everlasting.

I was so determine. Let's do this.


A/N: That is the END. THANKIES XD

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