Chapter 4

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Lucy's eyes flew open, and she immediately sat upright—looking around.

When did I reach my apartment?

"You're up!" A voice called from her desk. "You snore like a bear you know."

Lucy whipped her head around and shrieked when she saw Natsu sitting at her desk and reading something on her computer. She jumped off her mattress, stalked towards him, and grabbed the collar of his shirt.

"The Hell," She growled at him. "You have three seconds to explain why you are in my apartment, going through my stuff and watching me sleep before I knock that stupid grin off of your sorry face!"

"I don't think three seconds is enough—okay fine!" He said hurriedly when Lucy began cracking her knuckles. "Sherry spiked your drink with a drowsiness laced liquor. You drank it—heaven knows why—and threw up. Bora was being a low life son of a bitch, I helped you, offered to walk you home. You passed out so I carried you to your apartment—"

"How the Hell did you know where I lived?"

"I called Levy on your phone. 13 missed calls and 10 unanswered texts, might I add. I called her, told her you were fine, and asked where to drop you off. Then I went through your purse to look for your keys— I promise I didn't touch anything!" He added when he saw Lucy's mortified expression. "Anyways, once I got in I helped you get to your bed before you were out cold."

Lucy just stared at him. "That's fine and all, but why didn't you leave after that? Ever heard of privacy?"

Natsu bit his lip and looked at the ground. "Um... cause reasons. Also, my cat fell asleep next to you and wouldn't budge."


"Oh yeah," Natsu went back to Lucy's mattress, ruffled up the quilt, and lifted a blue, fluffy hairball into his arms. "This is Happy. My cat."

Natsu placed the cat into Lucy's arms. The cat was blue with a round, white stomach. It looked at her and meowed curiously. She couldn't help but tickle the cat behind its ears. It made a happy rumbling sound. "He's cute, but where did he—"

"I hide him in my hood," Natsu said flatly. "He's so small that he fits and goes unnoticed."

"Do you bring him to school—" she began when her eyes widened. "OH MY GOSH! I'M LATE FOR CLASS!" She placed Happy on the ground and was about to sprint to the bathroom when Natsu called:

"Don't worry new girl! It's Saturday!"

"Wait, it is? Then what about the Choice Ceremony?"

"That's this evening at 8 or 9," He sat down at her desk. "or 10... So, what is this thing your writing—Hey! What gives?"

Lucy shut the computer and stowed it away. "Sorry, I promised Levy she would be the first one to read it."

Natsu rolled his eyes, "Fine."

"And um... thanks for helping me yesterday..."

Natsu laughed, running a hand through his messy pink hair. "It's cool."

"...And sorry for... you know... threatening to attack you..."

"Like I said, it's cool."

Happy mewed in an omniscient way, like he was deciding something.

  The cat padded over to her mirror and pawed at it. Lucy raised an eyebrow then looked at herself; that's when she noticed she was wearing different clothes.

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