Chapter 9

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  The blue haired M. A. G. I. C. member averted his gaze from the documentary he was skimming to see a familiar dark haired beauty smirking at him.

  She raised her hand and knocked on the door of his office teasingly. "May I come in Sir?"

  Siegrain gestured for her to take a seat. "Any new developments?" He asked as he folded up the ancient Fiore record and stowed away under his desk.

  "Unfortunately not..." his work partner said, her tone that of disappointment. "However..."

  "Oh do tell."

  She opened her mouth before smiling devilishly. She placed her elbow on his desk top and rested her cheek in the palm of her hand. "Have you ever listened to the Royal Guards' gossip?"

  Siegrain raised an eyebrow, "anything of interest?"

  The brunette's eyes drifted to the corner of his work space where a security camera was mounted. "I'll fax them to you..." after a pause she added, "wouldn't want any unwanted ears eavesdropping, no?"

  The corners of Siegrain's mouth twitched in amusement, "You are dismissed."

  "Good afternoon, Sir," She straightened our her hair as she got up. "I have a lunch date with my niece, Meredy, so I must get going."

  However just before she'd closed the doors, Siegrain spoke, "Don't knock next time. You know you are always welcome here," he fiddled with the ring on his finger, adjusting it so that the lighting made its silver exterior shine. "Ultear." 


  "MR. FULLBUSTER!" Mr. Wakaba Mine snapped.

  Lucy pursed her lips as she watched Gray snap back to reality, nearly falling out of his seat. "Y-Yes Sir!"

  "Care to pay attention in my class!" Her Health teacher snapped. "If you wish to take a nap, you can strut out of this classroom right now! And for Vermillion's sake, put some clothes on dammit!"

  "Sorry Sir," Gray grumbled.

  "Looking past that little interruption," Mr. Mine rolled his eyes. "I would like a two page essay on the negative effects of smoking by next Tuesday. You are to work with your table partner. Both of you will turn in ONE assignment for ONE grade. You have the rest of class to work."

  Lucy glanced at Gray in worry. Since the day before, he'd been acting so strange.

  Now that she thought about it, even Lamia Scale's Lyon was slightly out of character, being more introverted and not constantly flirting with Juvia—much to the bluenette's chagrin.

  "Gray?" She placed a hand on his shoulder, making him jump slightly. "We have the rest of the class to work on the essay."

  "H-Huh?" He blinked at her, then sighed. "Sorry Lucy. I'm just..."

  "Out of it?" She asked.

  He nodded. "You could say that..." he rubbed the back of his head. "Ever had so much nostalgia that whenever you close your eyes, all you feel is overwhelmed?"

"Yeah, almost every day..." Lucy hid her eyes behind her hair. "Hey look... I get it if you'd like me to do the essay on my own—"

  "N-No!" Gray laughed sheepishly. "I'm being a real son of a bitch right now aren't I?" He took out a few sheets of notebook paper from his bag. "It's not fair to you."

  Lucy smiled, taking out a pencil. "Are you sure? I would hate for my grade to lower in a blow off class."

  "Might want to say that under your breath next time," Gray pretended to sneak a glance at Mr. Mine. "Teach is pretty... passionate about this stuff."

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