Chapter 19

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"Winner: Stella!" Toma announced, the girls of Stella hugging each other in celebratory joy. "We will be taking a sixty minute break, and then the men's match shall commence."

The girls of Fiore panted as they stared towards the opposing side in bittersweet envy. It was a close match, but Sonya, team captain of Stella, landed a crushing spike that Fairy Tail just couldn't reach quick enough.

"We were—" pant "—so close—" Lucy heaved, collapsing on the sand and staring at the sky.

"I proud of you, girls," said Erza. "We all played very well."

"We'll get them next year," said Mira with a smile, slinging an arm across Lisanna's shoulder.

"My darling!" Juvia called. "Did you watch me?" The bluenette skipped off to fondle over her love, Gray jumping back when he saw her.

"Eeekk! Not in public," he said as he held his hands up.

"I didn't know you had something against PDA," Lockser gave him a sly look.

"I have everything against PDA—"

"My darling, your clothes?" She interrupted.

"AHHH! When did that happen?" Gray exclaimed, staring down at his bare chest.

Lockser giggled, "Since your half naked all the time, it's funny that you don't have tan lines."

"Knock it off," Gray scoffed. "I need to get ready for our match anyways."

"Alright, you go do that," she said. "I'll be in the changing rooms if you—"

"You don't need to announce it to the world," Gray rolled his eyes. "And if I—Mavis forbade—needed you for something, why the hell would I go searching for you in the Women's locker room?"

Lockser laughed again, "Whatever you say darling!" Gray watched her hop to the locker rooms, waving at him from over her shoulder.

  He didn't hide the tiny smirk that appeared on his features. Fiore's girl's team played outstandingly, but little as he wanted to admit it, he'd only been watching Lockser—and she played amazingly.

Whenever Lockser put her mind to something, her dedication and grace rivaled Erza's and Mira's—and that was saying something.

  Still, as he watched her disappear through the crowd, he froze when the all too familiar feeling of uneasiness washed over him.

Not again, he thought, his eyes involuntarily trailing up to the sky. A sky that was blanketed in a layer of menacing grey clouds.

"Hey man," Natsu said from behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You look a little pale."

"Fire breath's right," said Gajeel, crossing his arms across his chest. "Why don't you get some shut eye? We don't want some drowsiness costing us a victory."

Gray glared at him halfheartedly before sighing, "Fine, whatever. I guess you're right."

He waved them off and journeyed to the air-conditioned lounging area. Sadly, it was outdoor but the AC was working regardless. He sat down on the woven chairs, resting his head on its hard exterior.

  He took one last hesitant glance at the forsaken sky before he found himself in the land of sleep.




Gray's eyes flew open, wincing painfully at the blaring sounds of the sirens. His vision focused in on the panic struck Natsu, his friend shaking violently. Gray sat upright brushing Natsu's hand that was shaking his shoulder away.

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