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Group: Private DMs of Poet Boi and Flower Crown Queen

Flower Crown Queen:
I wanted to tell you
I really did
I was just scared
I'm sorry

Poet Boi:
They're one of my best friends
And you're my little sister
It hurts to know you both lied to me

Flower Crown Queen:
I'm so sorry Pip...

Poet Boi:
Don't apologize
Just come home and tell everyone else the truth

Flower Crown Queen:
I'm still sorry Pip

Poet Boi:
I just wish you told me!
I'm happy that you're happy but you could have told me!

Flower Crown Queen:
I know...
I'm a bitch...
I know that...

Poet Boi:
No, you're not
I just...
I'm making a big deal out of this
I'm sorry

Flower Crown Queen:
Thanks Pip

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