
38 1 0

Group: Group of Idiots

I just wanna sleep:
oh god oh god oh god

Where are the slushies:

I just wanna sleep:
okay so you know how i got my hair cut??
well my dad took me out to get it done
so my mom knows nothing yet since she's been busy with her bakery
but she has the day off today
and she said she wants to spend it with me meaning she's going to see that we got one side of my hair shaved off
as well as the back of it
and that i only really kept my bangs and the top of my hair

Where are the slushies:
aww i'm sorry aj
i'm sure she'll be understanding
your mom is super nice after all!!

I just wanna sleep:
i know i know
but i'm worried she'll be upset
and i don't wanna make her upset

Where are the slushies:
keep your chin up!!
i'm sure you'll be fine!!
and she can't ground you over getting a haircut so you can express yourself as you wish!!
she's your mother after all!!
she'll understand!!

I just wanna sleep:
i hope so Nenna
i hope so

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