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Group: Private DMs of Flower Crown Queen and Geology

Flower Crown Queen:
Hey babe!
I know you're busy but I wanted to leave you a good luck message!
I'm sure you'll do great at debate tonight!!
Don't stress if people accept you because it doesn't matter
They're strangers and it's not like they're there to listen to you introduce yourself
You're just stating your ideas
I'm rambling now
Just know that I'm there for you in spirit and I'n really sorry I couldn't get a way there
Love you! Have fun!
You'll do great! 💚

Sorry I didn't see this until now
I didn't end up winning a single debate
Or even having a good time
I know you were excited to hear everything
But I'm just so exhausted
I just think I wanna be alone tonight

Flower Crown Queen:
Oh, what happened??

I don't wanna talk about it

Flower Crown Queen:

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