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Group: I just wanna sleep, where are the slushies, Soft Boi, just let me read

I just wanna sleep added Soft Boi to the chat

I just wanna sleep added just let me read to the chat

I just wanna sleep:
i'm literally so fucking confused right now
thanks to information i got

where are the slushies:
why is stephen here?

just let me read:
aj if you call me out on anything i'm literally going to send frances after you

Soft Boi:
well then..

I just wanna sleep:
just let me get this right
Jenna and William both like me

just let me read:

I just wanna sleep:
and Stephen, you like both of them

Soft Boi:

where are the slushies:
this is new information

just let me read:

I just wanna sleep:
yeah yeah
you do that
but later
so basically
depending on who i get with
decides who stephen gets with?

where are the slushies:
i guess

Soft Boi:

just let me read:
thanks for making me feel like chopped liver

I just wanna sleep:
sorry stephen
so why do you two even like me?

where are the slushies:
i just do
always have

Soft Boi:
i started liking you after you saved me from being bullied
but when did Stephen start liking Jenna and I?

just let me read:
you're both sweet and funny and kind and i just started falling

I just wanna sleep:
now that we have that cleared up
everyone please leave the group

I just wanna sleep left the chat

just let me read left the group

Soft Boi left the group

where are the slushies left the group

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