Chapter One

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Holly had always been drawn to things that might scare other people, she loved all things creepy, so it was no surprise to her parents, that she had chosen the bedroom with the view of the abandoned lighthouse. The cylinder was tall and white but showed many signs of years and years of decay. The windows were shattered and so was the light. It was splattered with rust marks and vines were growing around it. This would have put off many parents but for Holly's, they were very thrilled to see their daughter happy. Holly was so happy, that she had started to sketch again, this was something she had not done since she had found out her parents were moving her away from her childhood home and friends.

"Maybe I should try and sell some of these sketches", said Holly to her father

"Give it a go", replied her father, "Try a local site or an auction site".

"Gotcha", she replied

Content with his answer and with a grin plastered over her face, Holly ran back to her bedroom to begin taking photos of her sketches to sell them online.

"Hopefully someone will like these", Holly said to her snoozing ten month old Dalmatian, Kiwi, "Perhaps I should do more research on the history of the place, then I can tell a story".

Kiwi was the newest addition to the family. She was a gift to Holly from her parents. Kiwi was twelve weeks old when Holly received her. Since then, they had become inseparable and did nearly everything together.

"Holly, I need you to come and do your chores", her mother shouted up the stairs.

"Be there now", Holly shouted back.

Letting out a huge sigh, Holly put her sketch book and camera away before heading downstairs, she was quickly followed by an unimpressed Kiwi.

"Mam, once I've done the chores, can I go into town as I want to research the lighthouse so I can tell a story about my sketches?" Holly asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"Can't you do that here on the laptop?", her mother asked as she brushed her long, blonde hair.

"Yeah, but at least then I'm out of the house and I can take Kiwi with me, she needs a long walk",

"Okay then, but I want you back by 5, Nan and Bamps are coming for tea"

"Durr, I'll be back before then, it's not going to take me all day", Holly replied as she rolled her eyes.

"Okay, here is some money for you to get yourself something to drink or eat, and make sure you allow Kiwi to have a drink and a run on the beach" her mother said, before giving Holly a kiss on the forehead.

"Yes mam", Holly said as she watched her mother leave for work.

Holly quickly completed all her chores before attaching the lead to Kiwi's collar and heading into town to go to the library. The air smelt wonderful, sweet and salty Holly thought. Holly really enjoyed being by the coast during the summer months, but the summer holidays were ending soon, so that meant that there would not be so many colourful people about, half of the shops would be closed for the season and the weather would also take a dramatic turn for the worse. The place would become a ghost town. Something else Holly was not looking forward to, was starting at a new sixth form. She wished she could go back to her old school and be with her old friends, especially her best friend Chloe. They had been best friends since they had started school together when they were three. They did almost everything together, and even though they spoke to each other every night online, and visited each other occasionally, it was not the same as being at each other's house every night.

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