Chapter Eleven

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What had happened at to Holly at the school dance was all over social media during the weekend, but it was soon forgotten by the Monday as some other kid was the topic of conversation now. Holly felt bad for the kids but was also relieved that she was not the butt of everyone's jokes.

"You wanna hang out tonight and maybe we could go to the lake to see if Kiwi is there?" said Spike, as he drove Holly home from school.

"Yeah sure" replied Holly as she got out of Spike's car.

"I'll pick you up about six"

"Okay, see you then"

Spike drove off and Holly entered her house. There was still no Kiwi to greet her at the door. Holly's heart was breaking not knowing where her beloved pet was. She went straight to her bedroom and dumped her school bag on the floor before falling face down onto her bed.

The smell of her mother making lasagne was making its way up the stairs and into Holly's bedroom. Her stomach grumbled.

Holly got up off her bed and went to grab her school bag. She decided to make a start on her homework, but she took one look at it and shut the book. She was not in the mood to learn more about The Victorian era.

She shut her eyes and drifted into a cat nap.

No longer after she had shut her eyes, she began to see Lucy or more like Lucy's hair. It was a whirl of red blowing in the wind, then she saw Lucy's face but this time it was not the friendly face she was used to, no, this face was evil.

"Holly, food" called her father

Holly jolted awake.

"Holly, come here, before your food goes cold", her mother shouted.

Holly knew that once both of her parents had called, she had better make a move and go down for food.

In the kitchen, her parents and her grandparents, who were over having dinner again, were all tucking into their lasagne. Holly suddenly felt sick but she sat down and attempted to eat. She tossed her food about and nibbled on the dough balls.

"You okay kid?" asked her dad

Holly shrugged


"I'm fine, just a bit tired", she eventually replied.

"Bet, you're not too tired to go and see Spike tonight?", teased her mother

"I'll be fine later",

"I wish you would hang with people your own age", sighed her father

Holly and her mother looked at him. He looked between them both.

"I do" Holly replied as she picked up her food

"Where do you think you are going?" her father said, sternly

"I'm going to eat this upstairs in peace, then I'm off out with Spike" she replied as she was half way to the stairs.

"Huh.... teenagers" muttered her father, before returning to his meal.

Holly did not feel like eating. After a few bites, she tossed the rest out of her bedroom window for the birds and other wildlife to eat before she went to get changed out of her school uniform.

"Holly, Spike is here" her mother shouted, not long after.

Holly ran down the stairs and handed her mother the empty plate. She was wearing her black boots and jeans. Her mother was not impressed with the lack of jacket Holly was wearing.

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