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The body was confirmed to be that of Lucy. Then, eight weeks after the events, there was a two week trial. During the court case, it was revealed that when Clive was thirteen, he had committed this crime before on a girlfriend's younger sister. When faced with the accusation he murdered his daughter, he denied everything and kept insisting that he loved his daughter and only kept her there for the witch. The witch who would visit him in his dreams and cry for her lost daughter, Abigail.

After the two weeks of harrowing evidence that the police had built up over thirty five years, Clive was sentenced to life imprisonment. He did not flinch at this verdict, he stood there as cold as ice, but before he was taken away, he turned to Holly and gave a smirk. Clive would not be in jail long, as he died a few days later.

At Lucy's funeral, Jean, wanted it to truly represent her daughter and the happiness she experienced before her kidnap and murder. Her coffin was a pale shade of pink because that was what her favourite colour had been since she was a small child. There were also hundreds of pink roses spread around her coffin, there were also Lucy and daughter floral tributes, placed alongside her coffin, all of which were white and pink. It was a beautiful sunny day and not a single bird made a sound during the white horse drawn procession. There were thousands of mourners from all over the country lining the streets of the small coastal village. They too were all dressed in white and pink, just like Jean had requested. Holly and Kiwi followed the horse drawn carriage as it took the coffin to the cemetery. The funeral was a celebration of Lucy's life.

Holly kept the locket close to her. Although she was still curious about the spiral star engraving on it, she had not yet found out what it really meant. When she told her friends about the story she had read, they did not believe the myth that surrounded it, they dismissed it for yet more local tales or a camp fire ghost story gone too far. Holly always kept it on because she thought it was pretty and it reminded her of Lucy.

Not long after the funeral, Holly and Spike went on their first proper date, a date without the haunting of a teenage girl, much to the approval of her parents. Her mother adored Spike but her father was slightly weary of him, but Kiwi liked him and to Holly, that was all that mattered. Spike was a huge supporter in Holly talking to a therapist and generally just moving on with her life. Holly's father finished writing his book. Just under five years after he had started writing it and it became a bestseller.

Jean is now at peace and is not ashamed to be known as the women whose husband killed their daughter. The death of her son was also being re investigated. She was happily living in her cottage with her cat and continued working at the library. She thought of Lucy every day and always looked forward to her twice weekly visits from Holly. They have remained good friends but Jean has warned Holly about the power of the locket, but, again Holly just brushed this aside and claimed it to be nonsense. An old tale.

When Holly would visit Jean, she would always take two slices of coconut and raspberry cake because it was Jean and Lucy's favourite to eat out the back garden with a cup of tea. Holly enjoyed the serenity of Jean's garden. She would very often spend time at the cottage and help Jean out in the garden, especially during the nice days.

Holly and Lola became inseparable and would very often go to gigs together and have sleepovers. Lola was over the moon when Holly told her about Spike. Spike has started up his own tattoo parlour and employs Lola and Holly as receptionists. He has promised they can both have apprenticeships there when they turn eighteen.

As for the grounds where the lighthouse once stood, after the initial police forensic experts had been there, an excavation took place and deep, deep down more remains were found. Some of the bodies dated back to 1645. They were removed and the cliff was rebuilt by local workmen. It is now covered in grass with a memorial stone for those who had perished there over the years, including the witches' daughter, Abigail, who turned out to look a lot like Lucy.

On the anniversary of Lucy's death, the locket shines a bright, white colour, indicating something bad is happening to the person who is wearing it, but it always goes unnoticed by those around. It is trying to warn Holly. It is difficult to say how long it will take for Holly or someone else to notice it glowing, but one day they will and then it may be too late.

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