Chapter Two

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A few days later a huge, unexpected summer storm hit the coastal village. Holly and Kiwi, were safely tucked up in bed, in a deep, peaceful sleep while the thunder roared and the lightning erratically flashed outside. Holly and Kiwi were blissfully unaware of this, until, suddenly there was an almighty crash against the bedroom window.

Holly bolted up right while Kiwi jumped and ran straight to the window. Holly's heart was pounding, she thought something, like a tree branch or rock, had come crashing through the window. She shone a light and looked on the floor, she did not see any rock or glass. The bedroom became illuminated by the flashes of lightning outside, she saw that her window had indeed, not been smashed. She felt relief wash over her. She lifted her head and looked, again, Holly could see Kiwi's silhouette looking out of the window, she looked at the window and saw that the branches were rattling against it.

"Kiwi, it's just the tree branches", Holly yawned.

When Holly first looked, they looked like branches but when her eyes began to unblur, she looked again, the branches were the hand of a skeleton, they were the shape of finger bones tapping against her window, Holly closed her eyes and upon opening them she realised they were still only the skinny tree branches outside her window. She rolled her eyes and let out a small giggle.

"Kiwi come back to bed"

Kiwi was still staring out of the window. She did not flinch, instead she let out a slight growl and pressed her nose against the window.

"It's ok, come here"

Another whimper came from the dog, she looked at Holly, then at the window. She sighed and dutifully obeyed jumping back on to the bed where she soon fell asleep and began to snore.

Holly laid down, she looked towards the window. The thunder and lightning were still ferocious and as she began to drift off to sleep, but one flash of lightning revealed a reflection of a young girl. The girl had long, curly, red hair and beautiful green eyes. Startled by this, Holly sat up and rubbed her eyes. Another flash of lightning and the figure was not there. Holly switched on her lamp and looked around her bedroom. All she could see were her posters and books. Still feeling anxious but she was happy there was no one in her bedroom, she turned the lamp off and snuggled up into bed. However, she could not shake the horrible feeling she had.

Unable to get back to sleep Holly kicked the duvet off and decided to get out of bed to have a look outside. The floor boards creaked as she tiptoed her way to the window. At first glance, she could not see anything except rain drops on the window. She tried to peer out of the window but it was complete darkness, but then, a sudden flash of lightning came, it revealed a figure of a stocky man with long hair standing at the top of the lighthouse, he was facing towards Holly's bedroom. Again, Holly closed her eyes and then reopened them. The figure was still there, staring at her. She began to panic and she quickly ran back into bed, she covered her and Kiwi with the duvet cover.

Holly was too afraid to look out from under the duvet. She stayed under there all night, snuggled up to Kiwi, who was oblivious as to what was going on. Holly could not shake the feeling that someone was there watching her.

She pulled Kiwi closer to her. She buried the side of her face into the dog's head, she could feel her soft fur, it was soothing. She reached over Kiwi and turned the lamp off.

Holly kept thinking, was there really someone there or was it her imagination?

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