Dinner and dancing with lions

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Raisa's pov Nyssa told me her and Kaya were the ones to kill one of the men that came into my room when I was six years old and killed the first one and they were told to stand down by the old queens themselves I think I'm seated next to Queen cersei on her right oh thank you Lila your welcome my lady 20 minutes later looks like I'm done eating wait a second is that what I think it is Nyssa Aidan do y'all know how to dance to these songs yes ma'am we do go get ready to dance Raisa what do you want us to do just dance and pull your dagger out and take your oaths that you will protect me with your lives no matter what happens right in the middle of the song okay that's what's going to happen sound good sounds perfect alright Aidan Adrian
Nickolai Demetri Sebastian Nyssa Kaya Lilith Laurel Sara do you swear to protect me hold the people the peace and protect those I hold dear even if it means death to you all and if I have children protect them as I would even if I die By our life or death we will protect you and if we have to we would kill for you that we swear than by my name and honor I officially call you Praetorian guard but one more thing do you swear as a High Praetorian guard that you will do your job by day and night to protect and hold on to those dear We swear to do right by you and all that come to for help for wisdom for guidance and for protection.then by the power in me I name you my high Praetorian guard

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