Leaving for kings landing part 2

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My dress is blue and gold

My riding clothes my top is white with gold my leather pants black I have boots with a small heel that go up mid calf and I can stick my long daggers in the boots  and I have the gold in my hair and on my forehead I'm taking. Orion I'm going to let Marcella ride Shadowfire if it's okay with mom that way or I could have Shadowfire behind the carriage let Marcella ride with me but if anything happens Shadowfire is going to get her out of here Shadowfire will probably kill someone if they harm Marcella and I know the possibility of Shadowfire killing someone is very high to protect Marcella. Marcella feels safe around Shadowfire

Princess Raisa's pov we're almost to kings landing we've been in the carriage now for a while we're fixing to stop I'm going to put my riding clothes on and I'm going to put one of  my fighting  crowns on.  we've stopped and I'm ready  I'm putting my saddle on Orion when Marcella comes up and say are you going to leave without me no I'm not do you want to ride with me on Alexios Marcella. Marcella's pov Raisa just asked if I wanted to ride with her  but mother said no to riding on Orion i wonder if that means I can't ride with Raisa. Queen cersei's pov Raisa and Marcella are coming over to talk to me oh hello children what do you need I was wondering if Marcella can ride with me on Orion she mentioned that she can't ride on Orion she was just wondering if she could ride with me I'm only going to put Marcella on Shadowfire if I have to for her to get to the red keep if something happens I'd prefer her head down that way if someone fires a shot it will go through me first Raisa just told me her plan if something happens to Marcella but what happens if Shadowfire falls she is most likely to kill people to get Marcella to safety so would Orion but her bond is strongest with Shadowfire that's why I wouldn't put her on Shadowfire but maybe putting her on Shadowfire is a good thing she is the one to warn me first long enough for her to get Marcella out of the streets and into the red keep it also give me time to fire an arrow or the kill spell at who ever is trying to hurt her no one harms my family and lives I'm most like to drown them in their worst fear sorry Raisa's pov I think I scared Marcella well I'm going to untie Shadowfire and get on Orion Marcella if you want to ride with me you better hurry okay Time skip we've been riding for 30 minutes I can see kings landing and the castle keep  I know dad wants me to stay near him but I need some speed and Orion can feel that and he starts galloping Raisa what are you doing Marcella's pov this is so much fun were almost home it feels good to almost be home time skip 20 minutes Queen cersei's pov Raisa what were you thinking Marcella was with you that wasn't me Marcella must have projected how she felt which caused Orion to speed up horses listen to the riders body language it's what makes my horses so good because they're protective of anyone and everyone

 Queen cersei's pov Raisa and Marcella are coming over to talk to me oh hello children what do you need I was wondering if Marcella can ride with me on Orion she mentioned that she can't ride on Orion she was just wondering if she could ride with ...

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