picking flowers and meetings galore

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I have just finished dancing and I realize that the Tyrells mother father Tommon joffery and Marcella and uncle Ned Sansa and arya and everyone from the war council meeting are all looking at me that what I did was amazing and hard were did you learn to do that and what type of dancing is it that Sansa that is ballet it's a form of dance only someone plays musical instruments for you to dance to.

It takes a lot of concentration and a lot of focus and you have to be lithe to do some of the stuff arya if you want to still take up sword fighting you need to learn a little bit about ballet it is used by white witches to be lithe some of those moves can be used in sword fighting wait so that's how your so good.

Yes I took up ballet when I was 4 years old you know that saved my life when I was 6 years old because I only got 1 cut but I was only hit twice when someone was trying to kill me and I killed him Nyssa and Kaya killed the other one that gave me enough time to get into a defensive position then what was that.
that was the story of the first man I killed that is the story of a six year old girl so ballet is not just dancing to me it's a person's way of telling a story through dancing that is why I love it you can be deadly but calm and scary all at once because if your calm a lot of the times that is what scares your enemies because they don't know what your planning.

And you have to keep your face an emotionless mask so that no one knows what you are planning in your head because ultimately that is what It comes down to.

why do you think I beat uncle Ned at chess so many times I didn't show what I was planning on my face now sometimes I would let something slip so uncle Ned would think he has the upper hand but I would always beat him it's fun because its frustrating to him.

And sometimes i just love making him so aggravated because then he slips something up and it's hilarious. You are welcome to sit in on a chess game if you want why do you play chess. Chess is a game of tactics the knights like Ser Jamie all they way down to the queen you try to avoid bringing the queen out until last the more chess pieces you have the opponent that is times 2 now the queen is 50 points say you want to win you have to not let anything slip up until your confident that you will win that chess game.

It's like game of crowns or thrones you try not to let anything slip up until your confident that you will and or the other person is dead in game of thrones and crowns now in chess you 36 pieces on a chess board the most chess pieces that one of opponents have is the ones that win and it has to be the other opponents chess pieces and Everytime you win a piece your opponent or yourself have to say checkmate otherwise it doesn't count so yes I enjoy chess. Now if you don't mind I'm going to go pick some flowers and braid flowers in Marcella's hair come on Marcella time skip from picking flowers so far I have a dozen fire lilies and ice lilies I'm going to do daisies in Marcella's hair

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