Chapter I- This Is How It Starts

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It was silent. Dark. Cold. He's lost in his own twisted mind. To think Honorable Scythe Goddard would get this out of order... It's crazy. His eyes gave off an eerie glow that shook the junior scythes accompanying him to the bone. Goddard's breath pattern, it was inhumane. It wasn't normal. The once glorious blue robe he wore was now torn in many places, some of the diamonds scattered on the floor due to them falling off. Scythe Volta attempted to rub Goddard's back, trying to get him back in order. "...Scythe Goddard...? Is everything okay?" Before Volta could rest his hand on his seemingly mutated shoulder, Goddard struck Volta in the head with what appeared to be clawed fingers. Who knew a simple strike to the head could cause so much damage? With that, Scythe Volta fell to the ground, blood gushing from the wound in his head, and his vision severely blurred due to the impact when he landed on the floor. His weak, bloody hands reached out to Goddard, who grabbed and crushed the bones in them. With screams of utter pain erupting from his bleeding mouth, Volta broke out into full sobs. Goddard watched as he sobbed, admiring what he's done, with no emotion in his facial expression. With torment vibrant in the background, he strode off, his torn blue robe now stained with red. "...Hmph. Guess I'll have to get it cleaned."

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