Chapter III: I Thought This Was Fantasy

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"You're shedding tears. Why? Oh, you poor thing. So weak, so disgusting," Scythe Bloodlust spoke. "You shut your fucking mouth," Goddard spoke, his voice shaking, and his eyes filled with both depression and rage. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SPEAK TO ME IN SUCH A WAY, DEMON!!" The sharp increase of aggression in Goddard's voice made Bloodlust chuckle and smirk, knowing what he was going to do next. Then, as Bloodlust expected, Goddard raised his fists and swung. Bloodlust let the fists land. However, instead of actually hitting him, Goddard's fists went straight through his stomach, and into what seemed to be a black hole. Goddard immediately started to freak out, seeing he couldn't pull his hand out. "LET ME GO! LET ME GO, DAMNIT!" Goddard pleaded, wanting to be released from the dark abyss in the demon's stomach. The demon kept his hand enclosed for a couple more seconds, watching him squirm and suffer. "You're funny, hehe. It surely doesn't hurt that much, right?" The demon chuckled as Goddard practically screeched his answer, which, of course, was a big: "YES! IT HURTS!!" A few more seconds passed before the demon released his hand, making him scream as he fell backwards, holding his hand and huffing. "You... you're an asshole. You know that?" All Bloodlust did was laugh at the crude remark. He didn't answer. The demonic scythe stood and laughed, his voice striking Goddard harder than ever. The royal blue robed scythe snarled at the demon, feeling as if he was a weak little boy, on his knees as everyone around him laughed. Goddard then, in a blaze of fury, charged at Bloodlust, who pushed Goddard to the ground. After he struck the ground, Bloodlust threw him in the air and kicked him to the wall. Goddard's body now lays lifeless on the ground, bloody and beaten. The demon simply looked down upon the body and chuckled as he walked away from it.

      ...Then its hand twitched.

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