Chapter II: Nothing Is Worse

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"Humanity has always been tested," a voice spoke. Goddard heard this voice call to him as he walked down a street which seemed to be abandoned. This voice had his mind suddenly clouded, and he had his daggered fingers ready to pierce through whoever spoke, if it even was a person. "Show yourself," he spoke, "I know you're there." There was a breeze, then there was a spark dangerously close to Goddard's hair. "The same applies for us scythes. We are constantly tested not by anyone we are familiar with, but by our own society," the voice spoke, but closer than before. Goddard quickly swung his elbow behind him, thinking something was there. There was nothing. "The demon has possessed your already poisoned mind, Goddard. Change yourself before it's too late," the voice spoke yet again. Goddard began to walk backward, as if he was planning on running. That's when he bumped into a scythe. This scythe's robe was pitch black, the sleeves and bottom of the robe covered with red flames, and a pentagram painted on the back with blood. His forehead appeared to have horns coming out of it, like some demon, and every last one of his teeth were razor sharp. This rather suspicious scythe has pitch black eyes as well, but his pupils were a bright red. The scythe then said, "..Because you don't want to end up a demon like me." "What the hell are you talking about? Demons don't exist! They're myths! Besides, I don't know who you are!!!" Goddard then started doubting his statement soon after he said it. This scythe did look like a demon. "I am Scythe Bloodlust, the first of many demon scythes to come." Bloodlust. The first thing that comes to mind about demons; bloodlust. "First of many? That's not true," Goddard claimed. He felt something in his stone cold heart, something that made his skin shiver. He began hyperventilating, not knowing why or how. What the hell is wrong with me..?! He thought. His mind was clouded, yet swirling with many different ideas of what this scythe wanted from him. His eyes began to swell with tears, and yet he didn't feel a thing. This feeling....I haven't felt it in years..could it be that I'm...

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