Chapter IV: Dead Man Walking

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The scythe in blue was nothing but grounded in the state he was in. His chest rose and fell as he attempted to stabilize himself. He mumbled words of hatred as his nanites kicked in and began healing his injuries. While those injuries were being healed, he looked at his right leg to discover that it was broken. What was the most sensible thing to do for him? Snap it back into place of course! Though it was extremely painful, Goddard managed to snap it back in place, then the healing nanites immediately worked on fixing the broken bone. "Damn demon.....fuck..." he mumbled, dragging himself along the ground. It was of no use, for the demon who near ended his life was long gone by now.

     About 2 hours had passed before Goddard could get back onto his feet. Even then, his body still hissed with immense pain, and vulgar language quietly slithered from his lips. He then headed for the rotunda, his body bruised, and his robe ripped and covered in blood. He swung the doors open, and every scythe in the rotunda stared. Their eyes were opened wide, and their jaws dropped at the practically undead scythe standing in the doorway. "I.... I have arrived," Goddard spoke, his voice wheezy and almost like that of a man whose life was seconds from fading. A scythe in a peach robe with baby blue trim and opal stones scattered about then ran to him as he began to fall to the ground. As if perfectly timed, the scythe caught his black and blue body and stared at his bloody face. "Good lord, Goddard, what happened to you?!" He looked at the scythe and sighed faintly, grasping their robe gently. "Brahms... hah.. don't worry about it. It's just a scratch, I'll be okay," he spoke, smirking slightly. "Fucking hell, you are NOT going to live if you refuse to be helped!" The scythe, who was revealed to be Honorable Scythe Brahms, then ran into the nearest bathroom in a frenzy to keep Goddard at least breathing. "God damn...slow down..!" Goddard sputtered, blood leaking from his mouth as he spoke with a hiss of pain in his tone. Brahms then dropped Goddard to the ground and ran to the sink, grabbing water in his hand. He then screeched in agony as his body grew stiff with pain, his nanites not capable of keeping up with the constant outbursts of pain he was feeling. "Shit! I'm so sorry, Goddard!" Brahms then poured the water on Goddard's face, ridding of most blood. "Goddard, tell me what happened. I'm all ears." With a raspy voice, Goddard responded, " all went down after..after I got in a little trouble...a scythe in red and black beat the shit out of me..fucking demon dumbass..." He then coughed and more blood came up, Brahms quickly wiping it all up with his hands, washing it off. But he remained silent. It was clear that he was angry, and even Goddard, the dead man walking, knew that. "..what's up with you..?" He inquired, confused on the situation. Brahms then let out a quiet sigh before continuing. "Demons, huh? I'll show that bastard." He then stormed out, leaving Goddard's bruised body on the floor. "Dammit, Brahms..!" He sneered, then rearing back in pain, sighing. "Just don't die, fuck-ass..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2019 ⏰

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