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Ian's pov

"Wait wait wait wait, let's go through this slowly, what happened?" I said, trying to calm my raging sister down.

Gosh, she might throw me at the wall if I don't since she is the strongest, she just had to have anger issues didn't she? Power and anger is a no, no .

"She doesn't want to have children that will grow into the creed like us, I mean. How can she not understand that it's for the best! Dude, Imagine kids who don't know how to defend themselves and don't know how to use their powers! Royal children who can't do both!? The elders would be disgusted and would punish us--"

"No sis, they will punish you, not me cause my kids will be a part of the creed" I cut her off. She threw the glass of water I had brought for her at my face but I caught it before it touched my face.

"Your not helping dumbass"

"I'm just playing with you, sis. Don't throw the table at me now please" I said

She rolled her eyes

"It's not like when we were being trained we were being tortured or something. She won't accept me Ian, she doesn't love me like Bailey loves you. I mean Bailey knows about the whole situation and she understands, why can't she?" Seeing Kaia get sad is a rare thing, so when she is its really bothering her and when my sister is bothered and sad. I can kind of feel it, it's this weird twin bond thing with our people.

"She's your mate, she loves you Kaia. She doesn't understand now but maybe she will if you just try and make her understand a little bit more then leave her to think about it and not bring it up until she gives you an answer" I said.

Damn, I'm the young one but I'm the one she always comes to when she has problem, trying to calm her down before she does shit that she will regret.

My sister was a lot to handle yes, tough on the outside but soft on the inside, the side she doesn't show to anybody except Zara and I.

"I'm still angry Ian, I can't deal with her right now. I don't want to do anything stupid"

I nodded "where is your girlfriend anyway?" she asked.

"She's gone to see her grandma who is sick. I'll go pick her up tomorrow at her familys house" I said.

"Nice beach house by the way" she said, she took the bottle of whiskey that was on the table and the bottle of Ciroc and got up

"I'll crash in the guest bedroom"

"Don't drink  yourself to death!"

"Okay dad!"
I teleported to the hotel Kaia told me Zara was at and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"
"It's Ian, Kaia's brother"

She opened the door a minute later. I looked at her, she looked beautiful as always, her eyes were A lil red and she looked sad though as if she had been crying.

She let me in "what are you doing here? Did Kaia tell you what happened and so now she wants you to come talk to me?" She asked, I looked over at the table and there were open bottles of alcohol which I assumed she had drank.

"No, Kaia doesn't even know I'm here." I said

"Well then why are you here, are you also going to tell me that my future children should be in the whole assassin shit" she was drunk, I put my hand in her head and sucked out the toxins from her body.

One of my special powers I was given by the elders.

"No, I'm here to tell you that my sister loves you, I've never seen her as happy as when she is with you. She will do anything just to make you happy. I remember after you were kidnapped, she was broken, sad and angry, the last time I had seen her like that was after our parents died. Those two days, Kaia didn't sleep, she was searching for you in every corner of the world, teleporting from place to place. The reason why she bought that new house is because she trashed the one that was in the island. She was so angry she was throwing everything everywhere, punching every wall. She didn't want you to see it so she bought a new house. I know it's a lot but it is what it is. I don't regret being in the creed or growing up being taught how to fight and protect, I don't regret killing any of the men I have killed because if I hadn't killed them, I wouldn't have met Bailey. If it wasn't for us, billions of people would be dead right now that billion could be you or Bailey or Lora. Once we step down our children have to step up and carrying Royal children is no joke, hundreds of people try to kill royals, if you and Kaia ever die, how are they going to defend themselves if they are not trained. Kaia and I were trained and were survived from being killed multiple times after our parents died when we were only eleven. Just think about this Zara"

She didn't answer

I got up after my little speech, in hope that she will really think about it and accept it.

I was about to teleport back when I got a text from Kaia

Annoying sis: I know your with Zara at the hotel so just get my bags for me please thank you. Bye ✨

Me: argh, okay 🙄

"Can you show me where Kaia's bags are?" She looked a little bit more sad after I asked the question. Probably because Kaia was leaving her to be in the island alone after their fight, at least she only had two more days before she leaves or she could just get a plane back home right now.

She got up and showed me the bags

"I'll see you around Santiago" I said

"Bye Lutz"

I teleported out .

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