clues and explanation

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okay so if any of you guys hadn't find out yet, jiyu is a magical flower. and for those who had find out, congrats ! i admire you and your brain ♡ HAHAHAHAHAH okay - it all starts when chan's grandmother who told him about the story of camellia flowers that grant wishes as seen in chapter s, and he found one of the flowers at the background and decided to make a wish to spend days with the camellia fairy for 99 days as chan just saw his father's favourite football team with a big 99 on it . if u count the dates from the first chapter until the second last chapter, you will have a count of 99 days.

please remember than chan can't remember that he wished for jiyu to came. the camellia fairy, jiyu, came and took over chan's love life without realising. if you read in chapter t, it said that jiyu's body temperature is high enough so she wore less and thin clothes, and if you think it well, no human can survive in the deathly cold weather of korea. camellia flowers only grow on winter, or in a cold environment. jiyu wore less clothes to make sure she can grow well because she is a camellia flower.

in chapter r, you found out that jiyu is actually a month younger than jeongin. which means she was 'born' on january, jeongin is 4 years younger than chan, chan found jiyu when he was 4 years old. get it? oh, and during january is the winter, which also means the time where camellias grow most.

okay i dont know if you guys could understand this but looking at chapter k, there's a little sentence showed that jiyu is weak when she's hot after all of that dancing and almost fell down, remember camellias only can grow when its cold ?  and on chapter i, it was also said that jiyu was aboutt to confess to chan about what she actually is but she held back because she thought their relationship will get worse if she did so. and 99 lines on her thigh signals 99 days, but at that time it was left to a line meaning jiyu only have one day with chan before she returned to her own normal form.

and getting on chapter d, jiyu has decided to spend her last night with chan. this is where everything all makes sense, jiyu actually tried to give hints to chan by watching videos of camellias planting, growing but chan couldn't get a single thing so she thought it was useless.

they, for the first time actually kissed for a long time that night.

and jiyu left, bursting into petals when chan's asleep that night.

last chapter, which is chapter s. it is shown that after jiyu disappeared, none of stray kids could remember her, except chan . which is also shown before on chapter i jiyu said she felt bad for making chan fell in love with her because if she did, chan would never forget her because love is what stays, hate is what fades.

hope u guys remember that quote :D

and during the little last scene, notice when i said about camellia growing next to chan's window ? that was jiyu, but she's back in her normal form. she totally forgot about chan while chan can't forget about her .

you see, the thing here everything went back to normal, but jiyu made a very big mistake by making chan fell in love with her, it was her job to just become his friend and let alone the wish as it does not include falling inlove. or to be precise, it was chan's fault to for falling in love but that innocent boy doesn't know that it was his wish so he's not at fault.

next, more in sequel. but only chan's point of view as jiyu is 'gone'

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