Chapter 1( or you could call it prologue)

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Will you sacrifice your life?


Your family?

Yes... I have none anyway...

....Your treasures?




.. I see in that case..your wishes are granted...hah!(laugh) it is rare to see someone with no hesitation, but in your case, I suppose it is excepted... I wish you luck child


*gasp* "huff huff."

A girl in a small twin sized mattress on the floor woke up started.

"Who" she asked out loud but then she shook her head ,just as she was about to get up

"Andria!" a women's voice "Come down!"

The girl's black eyes lost all their life quite suddenly.

"YES! Coming..mother"she yelled

Then she got up and stretched a little took a shower dressed for school and went downstairs

"ANDR-" as soon as Andria came in view the woman stopped hollering and instead looked at her with disgust " eat" the woman shoved a plate in her hand.

Andrie simply nodded and went to sit on the farthest side of the table, just as she sat down another girl came downstairs a girl with the opposite looks of Andria the girl had beautiful wavy brown dyed hair(the roots were still black so you could tell that it was dye) and black eyes, the girl also had a thin statue and a cute appearance the opposite to Andria's straight black which was curly and chubby appearance the only similarity was their eye colour but by Andria's eyes you could tell that she was a kind and trusting person the by the girl's you could say she was manipulating. This beautiful and cruel girl was Andria's sister Portia Kass( yes she is called Portia Kass, Kass is not her last name)

The girl smiled a smile that would make anyone else smile back at her.

Andria who knew what type of person her sister was really, shivered and madly got up and started putting on her shoes not even touching the breakfast on the table.

The woman(her mother but I'm gonna keep calling her woman) and girl(PK) ignoring her and hugged each other completely different than how they treated her. The girl simply bit her lip and finished tying her shoes. Then she took her bag and went outside the house remembering to close the door gently.


First person POV(Andria)

I walked as fast as I could....away from the hellhole I'm forced to call home.

My name is Andria it's a Greek name that is supposed to mean strong warrior my dad gave me that name.... maybe he knew what would happen when he was no longer there to protect me from them, my "mother" and my "sister".

They weren't always like this I mean I remember just 2 years ago I could be found spoiling my sister and maybe even be playing with them(my mother and my sister) but it didn't last long...cause all that was a lie a lie that I still desperately want to believe I mean it really makes me wonder if the truth that makes you cry is more essential then lie that makes you happy. For me, it's the latter I'd instead be living a blissful lie than a painful truth. Even if I say that though I can't go back to the time when I was focused merely on..on what hah! I don't also remember how I was before!..anyway less depressing things I have learned to cope with everything by now though.

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