Chapter 9

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I believe there is no strong nor weak there is only, the ones who rise and face the fears of their their hearts and then the ones who run away from those fears...

                                  - Shalaka.G (Also I have no idea if someone else may have said that)

After coming out of the forest.We were greeted by farms and there we asked for directions and also were able to get some food for our (mostly my) hungry stomach.Then we kept walking, as we walked I asked Sors more about this world I knew where I was but I needed to have a specific time when to intervene.If I suddenly appeared when the 'Book of Murder' was going on I could be accused of murder.That would not help me at all instead Ciel may even make me a scrape goat, also there is the high possibility that he would not remember me.This is going to be harder then I thought huh...> _ <.Luckily Sors had a little (stress little) control over the world so he gave me a timing and a place and an opportunity to meet Finny.(AN- This is happening when Finny is purchasing the seeds for the Iris flowers)

We are -according to my map- close to where Finny will be coming to pick up the flowers, Sors (conveniently) changed the world a little so that Finny will break the bag carrying the seed pouches and they will spill on the floor.(Not seeds seed pouches-like the ones you find in stores.) Ah! Just in time here he he really looks like the anime even tho he is real right now.. does I look like an anime character that a normal look here..?.Anyway, that bag should be breaking in 3...2...1.There we go!Pfft!Oh, Lethe! That look on his face is hilarious! Ahhhahahaahahaha >^< (he is think ing this her face still looks the same-expressionless eyes and a small smile)Ah..well calm down me focus if this goes well you'll get to see more of this comedy!

"Help him, Ley"I don't gesture towards Finny but she gets what I'm saying she goes ahead to where he is and with a blinding (bright) smile she helps him pick up the packets.By the time she helps Finny pick all of them up we (Me and Rin)have caught up with them ( I also put on a hood to hide my appearance ) "Ley" I said quietly. Ley gets up and nods at the boy then goes behind me in the triangle formation again (me in the front those two are at the back).Finny is still kneeling and staring at me.I smile and ask

"Are you all right?"

"Huh!? Oh yes, I'm alright"(Finny looks behind him and smiles at Ley) "Thank you, miss!"

"Un! No problem"(Ley looks at him and smiles, I smile at their exchange they are so similar!)

"May I know your name?"

"Ah! yes, of course, I'm Finnian, servant of the Phantomhive house"

'Yeah I knew that'(Adelia thought, but he assumes a look of small surprise and muttered)

"It really is a small world after all" (just loud enough that Finny could hear)

"We are on our way to the Phantomhive manor is it possible for you to lead us there?"

"Umm.." (Finny observed us-you may think that Finny only had his super strength and was a cute idiot but to survive in a lab would need to observe what happening in order not to get killed..that is my theory at least)

"If you cant that all right, but we have an important message for Ciel"(I smiled while saying that)

"Oh! in that case, that alright!"( Lethe! he is so easy to fool!)

-They reach the manor-

Finally here! Finny how much is your lung capacity! He kept talking all the way here!As soon we set foot in the estate a black shadow comes and Finny as soon on the ground anime crying then I see Bard and Mei Rin behind..... black shadow+ taller then me+ Finny is scared=Sebastian....well this is fun.

When it pulled out of my thoughts Finny is anime crying and trying to explain to Sebastian why he is late

".....and then the bag broke look!Luckily this nice miss helped me pick up and they have something to tell the Young Master about!"

Sebastian turned his attention to us and looked at us obviously wondering who we were then he bowed lightly saying

"I do apologize I did not know that the young master was having another guest"

I smiled and stepped forward a bit "No don't worry this visit wasn't planned, so I should be the one to apologize unfortunately I have a...important message for Vi- I mean the Earl Phantomhive"

Sebastian seemed to realize that I almost call Vincent instead of the current Earl (Ciel-instead of saying The Earl or Ciel Phantomhive I said Vincent, and that was on purpose) but it didn't seem like he took any offense to that.Instead, he nodded and led the way inside with Finny, Mey Rin, and Bard following us (Wow, this seems like we are being lead to an interrogation/torture room.)

We were dropped off at a room it looked like Ciel's study and had a ton of books but was relatively clean and didn't have a desk so it looked like Ciel's study but was instead a meeting room after leaving us there Sebastien returned with some snakes (CAKE!!!!!!) and told us that Ciel will be with us shortly I just nodded and went back to reading a book that I had found.After he left I devoured the cake ( I did ask Rin and Ley but Ley was more fascinated watching the outside world - I realized later that we got a clear view of what happened the garden so we could see Ciel and the other guy eating and Mey Rin spilling the wine and Sebastian's cool cloth thing.Rin was power-reading the books he seems the more normal of the two if not for his powers)

-Later (after Ciel's guest whose name I have forgotten left)-

Finally! I mean so much time I even took a nap!(Rin woke me up before Ciel came to meet us tho)

As he came to the room the servants came with him as well.ALL of them and I'm wondering why? Are we that dangerous?

"So," Ciel said giving his imp-like smile (the smile Dr.Aurther labeled 'like an imp playing  a cruel trick' or something-the author is too rushed to care right now)"Would you mind telling me what important message you have?"

I return the smile ('Sorry Ciel but I cant be nice to you or the world will destroy me!')

"Are you the head of the Phantomhive household now? Ciel?"

Ciel's lips parted a little and it seemed he was either confused or surprised.

"It seems you did not know?"(Sebastian)

"Un..but first could you tell me, what happened to the Alma household?"(Adelia)

"...The Alma household has demolished for they no longer have an heir"(Ciel)

"Oh?..what happened to them?"(Adelia)

"They were assassinated"(Ciel)

"And none of them survived?"(Adelia)


"Are you sure"(Adelia)


"Why do you wish to know may I ask?"(Sebastian)

"hmm?...Well, I was wondering where I would live now?"

As I said this I took off the hood covering my appearance and smiled an actual smile at them (Ciel+servants)

"You are Adelia?"(Ciel)

"Yes I'm honored that you remembered"


Word count-1289

                                    -Zurie 🥀
The chapters will have a lot of errors I will go back and edit them later~

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