15 - Mirror

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As soon as she arrived in her room, something's telling her that Mr. Kim was not the type whose patience is longer for waiting. She should hurry up.

She had a quick shower and had her hair dry. She wore the beautiful white dress which Kim Taehyung suggested.

It was short but she looked purely elegant and beautiful. The sleeves were lace and the curve of her body was perfect.

   "This dress better be right. This costs almost two times my salary, for Christ's sake!"

Then she stopped staring at her self in the huge mirror of her wardrobe.

   "Haha, Liz. It's not like you're seducing him or something like that. Relax, okay? Act normal. Just be you."

She took a very deep breath while carefully walking down the stairs. She was wearing the silver stilleto Kim Taehyung chose for her.

   "Wait, do I look like a hooker?"

Liz checked on herself at the glass window's reflection at the Mansion's hall.


Not a Hooker but Perfectly Elegant woman with class.

Then she stared at Mr. Kim's huge portrait.

    "You look more perfect in person, Mr. Kim."

Liz started to move outside the mansion. Mr. Kim would be waiting for her at the garden.

She was walking on the pavement with poise and grace. Then she started to feel the grasses on her feet and the stares of a man appreciating her beauty under the bright shining moon.

Liz stopped from walking and nervously smiled at Mr. Kim.

Then she saw him smiling back at her while standing beside the table where they will be having dinner with.

Mr. Kim Seokjin:
   "Come to me, Miss Shin."



In the Car Racing Arena (2)

Jung Hoseok:
    "Are you busy tonight?" Indirect question to hang out with her

Jeon Hannah:
   "You?" *indirect answer to hang out with him

Jung Hoseok:
   "Busy having fun with you tonight." *winks like a real flirt


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