40 - 99th record

182 15 14

   "I am not Elizabeth."

Kim Mingyu nodded and walked straight towards her with a sword on his hand.

   "I hate to see you doubt, my dear Elizabeth."

Liz took a step backward - afraid.

   "What are you trying to do?"

She asked Mingyu as while looking at Jin.

   "Mr. Kim (SeokJin) ~"

Then Mingyu raised his hand and smiled at Liz.

   "There is no way I would hurt you my dear, Elizabeth."

He turned to face Jin and pierced the sword to the immortal's chest.

Blood ~

Blood came out from his body.

   "Mr. Kim!"

She rushed towards Kim Seokjin with her hands shaking and eyes in disbelief.

   "Mr. Kim (SeokJin) !"

Dead? He couldn't be dead! Liz tried to stop the blood from coming out from his body.

Then she looked at Mingyu as she despised him tremendously.

   "Why? What have you done???"

Kim Mingyu looked at her with sad eyes and with deep frustration.

   "My dear? Have you not realized it? A man like him is never worthy of the concern you are showing. He will only cause you pain."

Liz started crying. She was confused. What whould she do? What could a nurse do in such situation?

But before she could do anything, a man in his all black attire came inside the room. With his black suit and tie, black shoes and hat, black cane and an old brown notebook on his hand.
The man in a very fair skin complexion placed his cane on top of the table and took off his hat and gave his greeting to the woman in tears. He nodded and smiled.

Liz looked at him. He's young and obviously the cane he was holding was just for the completion of his all black costume.

    "Who are you?"

She asked with a shaking voice as he wore his hat again and took the cane back.

Min Yoongi:
   "Min Yoongi."

He poked Mr. Kim's body with his cane. Then he bent to see his face while shaking his head.

Min Yoongi:
   "How many times do I need to do this?"

Liz was full of confusion as she watched him put his cane aside and opened the old notebook he was carrying.

Min Yoongi grabbed a pen from his pocket and then, noticed Kim Mingyu comfortably sitting on the chair.

Yoongi pointed the pen towards Mingyu.

   "It's you again. This is your 87th time on trying to kill Mr. Kim Seokjin."

Mingyu just smirked. And that's when Liz stood and slapped Mingyu's face.

Mingyu couldn't move a muscle. Liz's slap was more painful than that of a sword's blade pierced on a man's body.

   "M - m -milady - "

Liz just looked at him. She didn't have to say further words to say how much she despised him. Then she turned her back and went back to where Jin was laying on the floor.

   "Awkward ~ "

Yoongi cleared his throat and continued working.

   "99th death to be exact."

He closed his notebook and insertes the pen back in his suit's pocket.
Then he looked at Liz who obviously didn't know what to do.

   "Save your tears, woman. Call a doctor now."

He handed Liz his cellpone with a phone number already on it's screen.

   "Thank you."


After the call, Liz handed back the phone to Min Yoongi.

   "Are you a grim reaper?"

After all the things she witnessed, she totally believed in things such as goblins, grim reapers, vampires and other unbelievable creatures.

Yoongi just smirked. His presence that of a mysterious and creepy type made him add Liz's list of persons who exists beyond her imagination in this millenial world.

   "No. But I take charge of his life insurance. And I'm also in charge of his life's autobiography."

Liz crossed her eyebrows.

   "But don't ask me. I'm tired."

Liz nodded. Though she wanted to ask him many questions.

   "Don't worry about this man. Dr. Kim Namjoon will take care of him."

   "Will Mr. Kim be okay?"

   "For now - YES."



Ten more chapters left.
Keep Breathing, Goldenz!


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