36 - Dinner

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Kim Seokjin's presence was unexpected. After he let his sister Kim Mariz bring Liz's things, Mariz did not expect for him to be there.

Liz was relieved to have Jin inside the old mansion. But she was still doubtful of him. She couldn't trust anyone yet unless she'd fine out the truth.

Kim Mingyu was smiling while looking at the immortal. It was as if he already anticipated his arrival.

But Kim Seokjin was very much displeased just by seeing Mingyu's shadow.

Especially that Kim Mingyu abducted Shin Liz.

   "What a surprise, brother. I thought you would rather stay in your mansion to get some -- "

   "I changed my mind. And what is this business you were talking about?"

He pulled a chair and sat across the unwanted visitor. Liz was two chairs apart from her and Mariz was at the other side.

   "Ohh, this is Kim Mingyu. My -- uhmm -"

   "I'm here to buy this place."

Jin smirked. He thought of it as very ridiculous. For all he knew, Mingyu was there because of Liz.

   "Ohh, Mr. Kim Mingyu this is my brother - "

Liz cleared her throat for them to be informed that she also existed in the dining area.

Then she softly uttered.

   "Ohh, trust me when I say they know each other very well."

Mariz looked at Liz. She knew nothing about the history. She was raised in UK and just got back to Korea to do business.

   "Because they are both into - business."

Jin looked at Liz. He wanted to talk to her and explain things to her. But he knew that Liz would just reject him. He understood why. Everything was confusing and unbelievable.

   "You may leave after you dine with us."

Kim Mingyu made a disappointed facial expression. Of course, Kim Seokjin would drive him away. He already expected it.

   "It's late. Can I atleast stay for a night? Mr. Kim won't mind for sure."

But Jin faked a laugh.

   "I actually do, Mr. Kim."

   "Very merciless, Mr. Kim. Just like 150 years ago."

He gave Jin that look. Something happened 150 years ago that Jin wanted to conceal. Especially to Liz.

   "The guest rooms are empty. And it's not for sale either."

Mingyu smiled and drank his wine.

Liz didn't find herself relevant in the dining area. So she finished her meal and stood.

   "Excuse me. I'll be in my room where I can have my PRIVACY."

Mariz just rolled her eyes. She didn't like Liz and she was also annoyed by the intervention of her step brother.

As soon as Liz was out of their sight, Jin for the first time, gave Kim Mariz a very displeased look.

But Mariz just shrugged her shoulders and tried her best to look innocent.

   "I don't like your fiancee."

   "I don't like what you did."

Then Kim Mingyu interupted the two with his laugh.

   "Little siblings fight."

Then Mariz glared at him. Since she was already caught, there's no way she's getting the money. Thus, Mingyu was useless for her.

   "Shut up."

Then she left the two men at the dining area.

   "This is worth a page of any history books. You and me in one table, Mr. Kim."

Kim Seokjin just smirked. Then he slowly walked across the living room. With Mingyu's eyes following him with curiosity of what he was up to

Jin stopped in front of the wall and grabbed a sword displayed from it.

Pointing the sword to Mingyu, the latter immediately stood from his seat.

Kim Mingyu:
   "Hold on, Mr. Kim!"

He pretended to be scared but he wasn't. In fact, he was thrilled.

And the next thing that happened was Kim Seokjin throwing the sword to Kim Mingyu as if throwing a dart to a board.

Kim Mingyu caught it - effortlessly. His fingers played on the edges of the sword while smirking.

Kim Mingyu:
   "Nostalgic, aren't we?"




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