17- Gift

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Shin Liz tried her best not to get choked. Mr. Kim's eyes were all glued at her while they were having dinner at the garden.

Then before drinking her glass of water and watching him take a sip of wine, Liz asked Mr. Kim about his trip to Russia.

Mr. Kim:
   "I shopped."

Liz almost got choked from her food.

He went to Russia to have shopping? Like seriously?

Liz took it as a joke.

But she remembered Taehyung mentioning Mr. Kim might had a business trip there. She found out from the younger Kim that he owned many business establishments. Including the restaurant where they had their first date.

Mr. Kim:
    "Did you miss me?"

Liz was shocked. She didn't know what to answer him.

If she'd say "no", will it upset him?


Oh goodness she said it.

Mr. Kim smiled. Liz suddenly regret she said it.

What if Mr. Kim would kick her out from the mansion for what she said? Let's not forget how she slapped Mr. Kim's hand earlier that night.

But Mr. Kim was just smiling at her. Then he slowly stood from his seat and took something from his pocket.

Liz suddenly froze. Especially when Mr. Kim went on his knees while in front of her and opened the small box with a ring.

Wait, a proposal?

Liz couldn't move her tongue. But her jaw dropped and she was sure that an effin shining diamond was just being gently worn on her middle finger.

   "Mr. Kim ~ "

Mr. Kim stood and kissed her hand. Then she saw him smiling at her as he was very contented to see her wearing the ring around her finger.

Mr. Kim:
   "Perfect ♡ "

Totally perfect.

Liz just looked at him with confusion. Should she complain? Ask him why she was given such precious diamond ring?

The contract ~ she signed it. Was it part of the process of Marrying a Kim?

    "An engagement ring?"

Mr. Kim just smiled and went back to his seat.

   "But ~ are you suppose to ask me for my "YES" after you asked me with "WILL YOU MARRY ME?"

Liz knitted her eyebrows as soon as she saw Mr. Kim giggled.

Mr. Kim:
    "You already said "YES", Miss Shin."

Liz felt disappointed. Right ~ when she was FORCED to sign the contract.

   "Then is this ring just for compliance?"

Darn ~ Liz just know how to talk back.

Mr. Kim:
    "It's a gift."



Fireflies ♡

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