Chapter 20

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I’ve been waiting for two hours right now, and Riley hasn’t showed up yet.  I didn’t know what was he doing there in his house but I was pretty sure he has turned off the lights in his room so he should have done showering right now.

I was sitting in the living room alone, on my phone, tweeted something unimportant.  I had no idea how many hours left to kill before tonight’s date.

“Kaitlin it’s me,” I heard he was knocking and I ran excitedly to open the door.

“Hey…”  I smiled widely.

“Come on, let’s go.”  He grabbed my waist rudely before I could close the door.  Mom and Dad were in some business trip together.  It’s like Dad would always need Mom on his every business trip.  So I was practically alone in my house.  How could you leave the house before even lock it?

“Ri I didn’t lock the door yet.”

“Should you?”

“You think?” 

Well he’s talking to me in some harass tone I didn’t even know what happened.  I walked out of the car and ran to my house; not to lock it, but to give Riley some space because probably he needed it.

“Hey Kai why took so long?”  He was there at the living room while I drank some water at the kitchen.

“You act differently, what is it?”

“What is it what?”

“You tell me, why did you pull me like that and spoke in rude tone and like I have done something terrible when you were really nice to me like two hours ago.”

“I don’t know.”  He bowed his head but not in that guilty expression.

“Are you mad at me?”  I came closer and held his hand.  “I’m sorry about that, I just don’t understand, your mood swings too fast.”

“I am having mood swing, you know me.”

“Okay can we leave that?”

“I’m so sorry but I think I need to cancel the dinner, I’ll pay it off later tomorrow.”

I was freezing like a statue, still holding his hands.  I’ve been waiting for two hours only for this?

“No you don’t have to pay it.  Just pretend it’s not my birthday today.”  I stormed up to my room and locked the door.  This was not Riley.  He definitely wasn’t.

I spent a single hour in my room, just sit and strummed the guitar again.  He was there at his room.  I saw him because I left the curtain opened.  But I hurriedly closed it before he could speak something, or before I blinked my tears in front of him.  I changed myself in tee and jeans then ran to the Starbucks.  I needed to somehow celebrate my birthday alone, right?  Remember how nice my birthday was last year, on my 15th birthday, and look where I was now?

“Hey Kaitlin!” Toby shouted.  Oh.


“Where are you going?”

“Starbucks it is.”

“Obviously,” He smiled the awkward one.  “May I join?”

“Sure, come with me.”

“So hey…why didn’t you go with Riley tonight?  We thought you would have a dinner.”

“I…don’t know, why don’t you ask your brother?”

“He didn’t want to answer.  Connor’s so pissed off because he acted like a jerk.  Pardon my wrong choice of words but that's what happened.”

“Exactly, that’s how I feel.”

“He did something for you?”

“Hmm, yeah, the date has been canceled after I spent two hours waiting for him.  What a wonderful birthday.”

“I’m so sorry about that…”

I gave Toby a single nod and remained silent.  I blinked a single tear but swept it away before Toby could realize.

“We’ve found the car driver who hit Riley three months ago…”  Toby mumbled as we took a sit at the Starbucks.

“What?  How did you do that?”

“She came to our house earlier this afternoon.”

“She; you mean a girl?”

“Yeah…and Riley asked…”

“Oh no way, stop right there.”  I cried so hard already.  This was the worst possibility I’ve ever thought behind his harass tone and rude acts.  “No way…”

“No Kai I mean nothing was really happening.  She’s just like a…I don’t know, Connor and I just don’t like her.”

“But there must be something, right?”

“It's because she did a cheesy approach to Riley like…kissed his cheek…”

“Oh gosh…”  I covered my face and Toby pulled me into a hug. 

“I’m sorry Kaitlin but I guess you need to know.  You have rights to know.”

“Have you ever met this girl before?”  I sniffed.

“No, she said her name is…Abby?”  Toby once spoke to me but he landed his eyes on somebody behind me.  I turned around and…


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