Doctors Office

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Ok so quick summary,Kirk wants to know the crews health at all times. So what does he do, he has Bones put  fit-bits on all the crew.  This is after Into Darkness.

Bones POV
"Ok Chekov, I want to try something." Chekov was getting his weekly checkup by Doctor McCoy, me, done. I held up a  bracelet device. "This will go on your wrist and track all of your daily activities. People on the early 21st century used them but these are obviously more advanced than way back when. Now hold out your wrist." He stuck out his thin wrist and I tightened the strap securely. I discharged him from medbay and got to work on the next person.
1 week later
"Medbay to Bridge."
"Yeah Bones?" Jim replied.
"I need you down here. There's something I need to tell you." I said. No less than 2 minutes later, Jim came strolling into medbay.
"Wasup Bones?" He asked casually. I pointed to my office. He followed me in. "Ok it's bad. If it wasn't you would have told me outside."
"It's Chekov. I've been monitoring his health for a week. He's been working to hard." I explained. Jim looked confused.
"What do you mean? He only has 2 shifts. And there's a 4 hour break in between. I have yet to let him take a night shift." He explained.
"Well, he's up at 5:30, exercising until 7:00. Then he eats, go on shift at 8:00, eat lunch at 12:00, then he does brain teasers with Spock at 12:30,-"
"Wait? He spends his free time with Spock?" Jim interrupted.
"Yes. And a little to much if you ask me. So, then he goes back on shift at 4:00, eats dinner at 7:30, goes to engineering until 11:00 at night. Then does more brain teasers for an hour and a half."
"Wait, when does he actually sleep?" Kirk asked.
"At 12:30 in the morning. Then does his daily routine." I responded.
"Okay we need to talk to him," Kirk concluded. He pulled out his communicator."Kirk to Chekov."
"Yes, Keptian?" Came the young Russians voice.
"Come to Medbay, now." Jim ordered. I rolled my eyes. Stupid formality.
"On my vay." Chekov replied. No more than 1 minute later, he was sitting nervously on a chair in front of them. "Yes?"
"We have some concerns for your health, Chekov." I said. He looked confused so I elaborated. "you hardly get any sleep and are constantly working on something. Have you ever been on break just to relax?"
He thought for a moment to think before shaking his head. I rolled my eyes. "No more spending time with Spock. He officially broke you." I said sarcastically. At that given moment Spock chose to come in.
"What about me doctor?" He said in his usual monotone voice.
"I was saying you broke the boy. No, not literally. I mean you basically made an impression that he has to work over the top. Now he hardly sleeps." I snapped. Spock nodded and walked away. I sighed and turned back to Chekov, who was now slightly angry at me for some reason. "What?"
"I'm noz a boy. I'm eighzeen nov." He said angrily. I was about to snap back when I thought over his statement.
"Wait, when was your birthday?" I asked.
"Sepzember ninezeenth." He said and I faced palmed myself.
"Jim, we missed his birthday by two weeks. How did we do that?!"
"What do you mean?" I rolled my eyes and grabbed my PADD and pulled up a calendar.
"It's October 3rd. His birthday was exactly two weeks ago." I explained. Jim also face palmed. We turned back to him. He sat awkwardly, not knowing to interject or not.
"Did anyone else know?" Kirk asked.
"Uh, aczually, only Mister Spock remembered. He goz me a nev PADD." He said. He pulled out a small stick and pulled it apart to reveal the newest model of PADD that apparently Starfleet has yet to give us.
"How the hell did Spock get one of those?" I said annoyed.
"Me and Mister Spock helped design iz, so Mister Spock vas able zo gez zwo and gawe vone zo me." He explained. I face palmed again. I turned to Jim again.
"The sociopath that is Spock remembered his birthday and we didn't."
"He's noz a sociopath. He's a Wulcan vwho iz confused abouz hiz genes." Chekov interrupted and crossed his arms.
"What do you mean 'confused'?" Jim said. Chekov rolled his eyes and hit up.
"I vill leawe vou zo figure ouz zat yourselwes." He said simply and left, leaving me and Jim dumbfounded.
Spock's POV (surprise!!)
I stood quietly outside the door. To say the least I was surprised. Chekov defended me immediately. Since the Nero mission, we've gotten to know each other well. And after Kahn, we got closer. I heard shuffling so I left, thinking about how much I've grown to like the young Russian.

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