After Part 2

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Chekov's POV
I was in a stupid coma for a day. When I came out of it, I learned I had nerve damage in my right leg. Luckily it wasn't bad, I would just have this limp for the rest of my life. For the time being, I had to walk with a crutch on my right side as it healed. I will be honest, when I learned that Captain Kirk was also in a coma like state after he climbed up the warpcore, I nearly fell over but thankfully Mister Spock was there to catch me. I was in shock. I realized that it should have been me who was supposed to make the climb. I was Chief Engineer at the time. The Enterprise was my responsibility. I sat in silence, in my hospital room for a day. Dr.McCoy had to come check on me to make sure I ate and slept. I apologized after the fact but he said it was nothing. I asked him where the Captain was but he told me nobody could see him except Mister Spock and himself. As soon as he left, I hacked into the hospital records and figured out he was in the room next to me. I looked and the security footage and found no one was in the room so I snuck in and sat down. I stared at his peaceful sleeping form. I simply sat there until Mister Spock came in. When he came in, I snapped my head in his direction. He simply nodded in greeting and pulled a chair up next to me. I was confused for a second until o realized why he didn't care. We were both here for the same reason. To see if Kirk would wake up.
Time skip brought to you by Kirk and Spock shouting KAHNNNNNNN!!
When Kirk woke up, I was going in the cafeteria getting food. I got an alert on my comm. I flipped it open.
"Chekov here."
"Mister Chekov, the Captain is awake," I stopped dead in what I was doing.
"I will be there right away." I said quickly. I threw my food away and sprinted to Kirks room. Thankfully I had a lot of practice running so when I got there, I wasn't even out of breath. Spock stepped aside to let me slip in. Kirk was sitting up in bed as Dr.McCoy made medical checks. He glanced up at me and nodded.
"Figured you were next to come." He said. Kirk looked over at me. He smiled.
"Mister Chekov! How have you been?" He said cheerfully.
"How I haff been? Vyou vere ze vone wvho has been in a coma for two veeks!" I said, my accent as thick as ever from hardly talking in two weeks.
He simply smirked at me. I then realized that I shouldn't have ran when my leg gave out under me and I almost fell. Luckily I grabbed a chair in time. McCoy turned to me and crossed his arms.
"Mister Chekov, where is you crutch?" He said. He was smirking at me.
"Uh I zink in ze cafeteria." I said honestly. His eyes widened.
"Chekov! The cafeteria is on the other side of the building! Sit!" He demanded. I obliged and sat down. Kirk stared at me.
"What did you do?"
"Uh, vell efter I flipped ze svitch, some machinery fell atop of me. I got nerwe damage in my leg." I said as McCoy waved a tri-corder around my leg. He looked at me.
"Well you didn't damage it more. You won't be needing your crutch anymore but just incase, always be walking with someone so you don't fall and hurt yourself."
"Zats good. Zank you wery much."
"No problem."
"Hey Bones, what did you mean by you figured he was next?" Kirk asked. McCoy smiled at his question.
"Well, him and Spock sat next to you for a week and a half waiting for you to wake up." He explained to Kirk. Kirk then looked at me in awe.
"You waited for me?"
"Of course, Keptain."
He smiled at me. I got up and limped to the door.
"Ah, Ah, Ah! Your not going anywhere." McCoy said, he grabbed my arm and gently pushed me back in the chair. I slumped down as Kirk laughed at me. I playfully glared at him and slumped down.
"Now I'll be right back." McCoy said. As he walked out an idea popped in my head.
"Hey Kirk, do you vant some food?" I asked him. He grinned at me.
"Sure but I want to come with so I can see my options." He said cheerfully. I walked over to him and helped him out of bed.
We leaned on each other the entire way to the cafeteria. Nobody questioned us. When we got to the cafeteria, we got some food and sat down. It was peaceful until McCoy came storming in, the look on his face was one of pure fury.
"What are you two doing here?"
"Eating." Kirk said simply.
"I can see that. I meant why are you here?"
"Well we were hungry so we walked over for some food."
"You do realize that you could damage your body more by walking around then you'd have to spend more time in recovery?"
"Hey! At least I didn't come here alone!"
"Oh yes. I nearly forgot you came here with the eighteen year old boy with nerve damage in his leg."
"Good job Bones, you made him mad. Now your dead."
"What do you mean Jim?"
"You've never experienced the Wrath of Chekov?"
"Your beyond dead zen."

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