Family Issues

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Ok so I'm going to make Chekov's parents sound like jerks but that's just for the story. I don't know much about his parents. They aren't mentioned once in the reboots so this is what I'm thinking. And another thing, Bones is going to be very friendly. Just work with me here and go along with it.
Bones POV
I was on my way to the medbay when I herd the sound of Russian. I stopped outside where the Russian was coming from and realized I was outside of Pavel's room. I walked up to his door and knocked. I heard a bit more Russian then the door opened. Pavel stood there with his PADD in his hands. His uniform was slightly wrinkly and his hair was everywhere.
"Oh hello zere doctor. Vould vyou like to come in?" He said politely. I nodded. He stepped inside to see a very pristine room. The main living area was clean and orderly. I looked to my left to see a door that led to his room. On my right was a little kitchenette that was neatly clean. He gestured to the little couch and chair. I sat down on the couch while he sat on the opposite side.
"So, how have you been?" Shoot that's a terrible starter! "Exited for shore-leave?" Better.
"I haff been good. Zis time for shore-leafe I vill be going to Russia." He responded. He crossed his arms and glanced around the room.
"That's cool. Going to Russia for any particular reason?" I responded.
"My mozer inwited me." He said. He glanced at the room again.
"Well that sounds like fun." I responded.
"Yeah exzept me and my fazer don't wreally get along." He said nervously.
"Well how bad can it be?"
"He didn't vant me to go to Starfleet."
"Oh I guess that's bad."
"Ve had zis huge argumenz before he juz kicked me ouz. Told me to szay avay."
"Wait. What did your mother say to all this?"
"Nozing. She did nozing."
I sat in silence for a minute. He was kicked out of his house at age... wait. How old was he when he got the boot?
"If you don't mind me asking, how old were you when this all went down?" I asked hesitantly. He looked at me with a small smile.
"Wow. Your a pretty strong kid huh? I could hardly handle being kicked out by my ex-wife," I returned the small smile. "Hey my daughter Joanna is coming to stay with me. What if we came with you? It may be easier if someone you are familiar came with you." I offered. His face lite up in a way that made me smile.
"Of course. Besides, Joanna loves to go places that aren't the park or the store."
"Zat vould be nice," He grinned. "I should probazly book ze shuzle tickez. I can gez zem cheaper since I vould be coming home."
"Ok then. Well I'll see you around. Comm me when you know the specific dates that we'll be leaving." I stood up and walked to the door. I left his quarters and walked to my room. I pulled out my PADD and turned it on. I went to contacts and clicked the third one down. Joanna. I waited for her to pick up.
"Dad?" The 7 year old girl asked.
"Hey darling! How have ya been?"
She giggled. "I'm good."
"I have a surprise for you!"
"What! What! What! Tell me! Tell me!" She started to shout.
"When you come visit me, we are going to one of daddy's friends house." Her face fell slightly.
"Is it for work?" She asked quietly.
"No, of course not darling. He invited us to hang out with Russia. Do you know where that is?" I assured. She  practically glowed at the mention of Russia.
"How did you know!?! We just learned about Russia in school!!"
"That's wonderful, darling. I gave to go back to work so I can spend more time with you."
"Ok daddy! Bye!"
"Goodbye, darling." I shut off the PADD and made my way to medbay.
Unnoticed time skip by 1 week, brought to you by: Chekov coming to work in pj's
Chekov's POV
I stood nervously in the shuttle bay with our three tickets. We will only be there a week. Not moving in. Expect nothing from them and all will be well. I saw them walking from my right. The little girl was a near spitting image of Bones with long brown hair and brown eyes and the same facial shape. She turned to Bones and asked him a question. He nodded and she ran over to me.
"Hello there Mister. My daddy says you are the one who will be taking us to Russia." She grinned and I smiled, feeling slightly at ease.
"Yes, zat vould be me."
"You talk funny."
"Joanna!! You can't be goin around sayin stuff like that."
"No donz vorry. Iz is fine. My name is Pavel. Vats yours?"
"Vell zen, Joanna, ready to go." She nodded. I nodded at Bones and her grasped the two carry ons that they had. I simply was packed in a backpack but that's just me. We boarded the shuttle and prepared for a long journey.

I didn't want this to be a two parter but it is. In order to get the second part, I would like 5 comments. PLEASE. I'm dying for attention. And they all can't be the same person. *cough cough WingedKitten345 cough cough* Anyway, you will never know until you comment. And PLEASE let all your other friends know about this. Thank my wonderful readers.

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