After Part 1

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Soooooo ya I'm going to make a million things go wrong for ya. So what if Chekov never made it to the bridge after he flipped the switch? Ya I'm going to make you MISERABLE cause I'm just MEAN like that!!
Chekov's POV
It was supposed to be over. But it wasn't. After I flipped the switch, I sat down with my back against the console. I was exhausted after running around engineering and then catching the captain and Mister Scott. I took a deep breath again. The ship tilted lightly again but enough to make me and other stuff topple over. I rolled a bit until the tilting stopped. I looked up in time to see pieces of equipment and scaffolding fall. It all landed on top of me. I cried out in pain and almost blacked out. I pushed what I could off with my right arm. My legs and left arm were pinned down and I couldn't get the heavy machinery off. I laid there helpless. I started to called for help when I realized I had all of engineering evacuate to prevent my current situation befall someone else. As I laid there, the blackness curling up towards me, I herd some hushed voices.
"Hhhelp!" I managed to moan out. It was starting to be painful to even breathe. The voices stoped for a moment.
"Hello?" A familiar voice said. I couldn't remember who it belonged to, just that I knew it.
"I'm hhhhereee." My vision began to swim. I herd footsteps come running when I finally succumbed to the darkness.
Scotty's POV
Me and Uhura were talking quietly about Kirk on our way to the bridge. I was about to say something but a moan cut me off.
"Hhhelp!" A voice said. I turned and looked around. The voice had a slight Russian accent to it ... oh my god it was Chekov.
"Hello?" I asked so I could figure out where he was. Uhura stood by me, a look of worry was plastered on her face.
"I'm hhhhereee." Chekov said again. I ran off down a hallway where I think he was. I spotted him just before he lost consciousness under a pile of broken machinery. Uhura came up behind me and gasped. She walked forward and checked his pulse. She visibly relaxed.
"He's alive now but if we don't get him to medbay, he won't make it." She said as she started pushing stuff off him. I came over to help. I grabbed my comm and flipped it open.
"Scotty to Medbay."
"McCoy here."
"I-we need a medical team on engineering deck 2. Ensign Chekov is severely injured."
"On my way." I shut the comm and continued helping Uhura push the machinery off. No less than a minute later, McCoy was running towards them, picking his way through the wreckage, medkit in hand. He dropped down next to Chekov and began waving a tri-corder around his face.
"We need to get him to medbay. He may have nerve damage in his leg." He said, accent heavy due to worry and fatigue.
I nodded and stood up. I grabbed Chekov bridle-style, seeing as it was the only way to carry him without disturbing his injuries. I then realized that his condition was my fault. Had I not been so rash, he would be up on the bridge, not in this situation. I also realized that because I quite, a job that I could barely handle was given to an eighteen year old. Even I know that a lot of stress is not good for the body, especially one as young as Chekov. While I was engrossed in my thoughts, I didn't even notice that we made it to the medbay.
"Set him down over there. He needs to go straight into surgery." McCoy said gesturing to the back. I set him down on a bleak white bed and stepped back. McCoy cane over with a few other nurses and wheeled him into a small room. He stopped next to me.
"He'll be okay. If anyone is going to pull through, it's him." He walked off to the room and I sat down a random bench in front of his room.
Time skip brought to you by Pavel's puppy dog eyes trick.
He was in a coma. A damn coma. Kirk was in critical condition. Kahn's blood was working. They both were moved into a proper hospital after they landed the Enterprise. I sat next to the boy that I was so accustomed to see happy and cheerful, lay paler than before and motionless. I gripped his forearm for whatever reason.
"I'm so sorry, Pavel. I'm so sorry..."

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