Why I Hate Gun Fights

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Chekov's POV
I shot another in the chest. I had my phaser on kill mode. My arm throbbed where I was shot earlier. The locals had ancient types of guns that you had to load and everything. They hurt more and if Spock's intel was right, which it normally is, some of the ammo has a poison in the shell. Speaking of which, since my luck sucks, I got poisoned. I can feel it spreading in my arm. I stoped for a moment and tore my sleeve off my arm then ripped it in half. I took one half and wrapped it around my shoulder and the other half around my elbow. Bones taught us all basic first aid and poison came up. When I was done wrapping my arm, I turned back to the fight and shot another one in the chest. Well, I thought glumly, this reminds me of an old earth song. I think it was called... another one bites the dust, there it is. I hummed the tune as I kept shooting them. I got weird looks from the red shirts next to me. I continued to fire until someone shouted. I looked to my left and saw these horse like creatures bounding toward us. I immediately turned my gun on them. I fired at the creatures. It took a total of five shots just to bring one down. One charged at me while the rest scattered. The rider leaned down and grabbed my arm and dragged me. I tried to shoot them. It took several tries with all the movement. I eventually shut the thing down. My victory was short lived as my hand was stuck in the reins and we were getting closer to the cliff. I kept trying to get my wrist free but it was too late and I fell over. I screamed one thing before I hit my head on a rock it all went black.
Hehehe!!! Point Of View switch to guess who?
Bones POV
We walked away with only a few of our people and none of the locals walked away with their lives. We lost Chekov though. Some of our group think he's dead. Nobody remembers seeing him or where he went. The only people he was with are dead. When Kirk found out he was missing, one of the locals started laughing. Kirk ran over to him. "What happened!? Do you know? Tell me!" Kirk is screamed at the local.
"He took a tumble over the over the cliff!" He said in a raspy voice. He opened his hand to reveal Chekov identification wrist band that keeps track of him. And at that chosen moment, the local died. I should know. I checked. We walked away from the field, some of us feeling dejected as we made our way to the pick up site. I noticed Spock was being uncharacteristically quiet in the back of the group. I nudged Kirk.
"Do you know what is wrong with Spock?"
"You sound like you care."
"No. I rather have a well functioning First Officer to make decisions when you can't!"
"Whatever. But know that you mention it, we best check on him." We quickly fell to the back of the group where Spock was.
"Captain, Doctor McCoy, what are you doing?" Spock said, startled by our sudden appearance.
"Somethings wrong with you Spock. I want to know what it is."
"Nothings wrong, Captain."
"Nothings wrong?! There is SOMETHING wrong with you Spock! Damn it! Why won't you tell us?!"
"No! I will not calm down! It has something to do with Chekov!" Spock flinched at his name. "See? It is about Chekov!"
"Spock is this about Chekov?"
Spock stood in silence. "Yes Captain."
I stood in shock.
"Spock, what do you know about Chekov that we don't?"
Spock sighed. Yes. Sighed. "I saw Chekov before he fell over the cliff side. He called my name and I couldn't get to him. Captain," He looked at Kirk with a sad look. Damn. I knew him and the kid are close but not so close that when in danger, he calls out for the space hobgoblin. "did I cause Chekov's death?"
"What?! No of course not. It was the stupid locals who caused this. Not you. Don't ever blame yourself." Kirk immediately started reassuring him. Spock simply nodded. I could tell he still blamed himself.
Spock's POV
One last look. A look of pure terror. All directed at me.
No! Not my fault!
Suddenly he stood in front of me. All bloody and cut all over. He held his arm as he limped toward me. One of his eyes closed as it streamed blood.
No! He can't be like that!
"Vhy? Vhy zid vyou let me fall? I'm now DEAD BECAUZE OF VYOU!!!"
"I'm sorry. I tried to get you!" I replied back, holding back tears. I knew it was illogical to cry but it felt like he was the only one who understood me besides Uhura. He was the one I could always talk to as a friend.
I snapped back to reality when I herd shouts up ahead. I rushed forward to see something I never expected. There stood a dripping wet Chekov bleeding from various places, clutching a bloody arm. When nobody moved forward, I started forward. Just in time as Chekov's eyes rolled backward and he dropped thankfully right into my arms.
"Chekov? Chekov can you hear me!" I started to tap his face. He looked unnaturally pale. He was pale to begin with but even more so now. He moaned quietly. "Chekov respond."
"Chekov, Pavel. Rank, ensign." He whispered back to me. Good. That means his memory is still intact.
"Stay with me." His eyes nearly slipped close until Doctor McCoy came rushing over with his medical tri-corder.
"Sheesh kid. You managed to get yourself poisoned, a concussion, bruised ribs, about 200 different cuts and bruises, and if that's not bad enough, that nasty cut over your eye." I snapped my head towards his face to see the cut McCoy was speaking of. The cut ran across his right eye. Just like in my hallucination.
"Will it leave any permanent impairments?" I asked.
"No. It will heal over time. He will struggle to see for a while but he will be fine." McCoy told me.
"Come on, we must get him back to the Enterprise." I stood up with Chekov in my arms. I started to walk briskly to the pickup site. I heard McCoy shouting at everyone to follow. When we got there, Kirk called Scotty.
"Scotty, bean is up."
"Can't Cap'nt. Two people ca'nt be on the same pad." He explained. I nodded and set Chekov on the grass near me. I watched as the golden ribbons surrounded us and when they cleared we were on the beaming pad on the Enterprise. A medical team rushed in and loaded Chekov up on a gurney and made their way to med bay. I followed, despite everybody telling me not to.
                     ~ time skip ~
Spock's POV  (still)
I sat on the bridge, at my post pretending to be running some test. Of course, I already ran the test but I wasm given strict instructions not to leave the bridge until Chekov woke up. A well-timed bleep alerted me that Chekov was awake. I called a different science officer over.
"Lieutenant Powel, what are you doing right now?" The Earthen girl looked startled at her post. She was pretty, with dark hair and caramel colored streaks. She has a slight build and black glasses, framing her dark eyes. She was one of the best science officers, focusing mostly on animal life on other planets.
"Uh well no. I mean, no Commander Spock." She stuttered out.
"I need you to take my post until Alpha shift is over." She looked shocked until she nodded nervously and got up from her post and moved over to my chair and got to work. I started walking briskly to the med bay. As I got in the lift, a red shirt got in.
"Commander." He said respectively. He is Lieutenant Powels younger brother, I remembered. He was tall and muscular with short curly hair. I imagine that is what happens when you work in engineering.
I got off the lift at the med bay and strode in to see Chekov sitting up on one of the beds, grinning at Kirk and McCoy who were arguing over when Chekov should go back to work.
"Jim he can't go back to work tomorrow! He just fell off a cliff and is recovering from being poisoned for crying out loud!!" McCoy tried to show Kirk reason.
"Bones! He feels fine, right Chekov?"
"Da Keptain! I feel fine!"
"Of course he says that."
"Captain if I might suggest, Chekov can rest all day tomorrow and return to work the day after."
"That could work."
"Jim! How do we know the kid will actually rest?"
"Captain, I think I can help with that. I'll watch over Chekov and make sure he gets the proper rest he needs."
Kirk looked at me with a small smile. "Is that all right with you Pavel?" The ensign nodded excitedly. "Then it's official. Spock, you will take care of Chekov for the day. He then will return to the med bay for a check up."
"No, Bones. This is not up for argument." When McCoy started to argue again he drug him away and I was left alone with who was a child by my planet standards.
"So Chekov-."
"Pavel. Ve are not on shif."
"Pavel how are you feeling?"
"Ok. Noz ze bes but holding out."
"Good. Do you know what today is in earth days?"
"Is it somzing important?"
"I'd say so."
"Is it direcvly inwoled vith me?"
"Without a doubt," I pulled out my comm. "Uhura, could you go into my quarters and get the brown package off of the counter. And bring it to the med bay."
"Of course." I heard her giggle on the other end and I ended the connection. Be less than 3.25 minutes later, Uhura came in with the package.
"Thank you, Nyota."
"Your welcome Spock."
"Vhat is zat?"
"It's a present. For you."
"For me?"
"Yes. I checked the records and saw that it was your birthday today."
"You remembered?"
"Of course."
"Thank you."
"Your quite welcome, Pavel."

Ah hah!!! I'm done now!
Word count: 1757

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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