Chapter 2

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Salam. How are we all beautiful people doing?

First, I would love to thank all of you who voted, shared, tagged, commented. it meant alot thank you very much. keep up the good work, keep sharing, voting, tagging and lets make it as chatty as possible.
Comment you best character both male and female. Voice out  what you think or in this case write it down.  Am open to contructive criticism ( honest talk). 


It was Zainab's birthday. February 12th. She was turning twenty-one, she was a year older than Zinar.

It was also their 1st-semester break, which meant they could party and chill, though the birthday girl said she didn't want to celebrate, her friends wanted quite the opposite. It had been long since they had any outing. The semester had been very time consuming and to think that it was just 1st-semester 3rd year was scary. They went for lectures every weekday and afterwards they had either group discussions or tutorials or assignments. The only time they had was to rest for the up coming day and preparation for exams was even more draining.

"I want to go out and chill it's been long. My body, especially my brain needs some element of fun" Tima said

"You know your definition of fun and mine are very different" Zainab replied her. Tima was sort of a party animal. She attended every party she was invited to, she partied with boys and men it never mattered to her.

" I guess I will just have to do with what I have then" she said. They never really got along with Zinar and Zainab they hung out only because she was with rose and co.

"Look do what ever you want to do but what ever it is, you're buying us a large delicious ice cream cake" Zinar spoke "but wait sef. I want to dance ooo. It been long" she had wanted to dance together with her friends at Khalid's grads but she knew she would regret it afterwards.

"What ever happens it happens here" Zainab finally obliged

"Perfect! I can wear what ever I want to wear" Zinar said cheerfully. She really wanted to dance, she just hoped by that time her mode wouldn't have changed. "Halt!, who is cleaning up after everything" she knew very well they would disappear immediately after everything leaving only Zainab and her.

"All hands on deck. After all I know you won't invite much people" rose concluded.

"Yes but the little mess y'all gonna make your gonna clean" the birthday girl said firmly and they all agreed.

They left soon after to get ready since the party was starting by six to ten PM.

Zinar was left to organize everything and she didn't want Zainab's help since she was the celebrant. They had decided to order an ice cream cake and pizza, buy some drinks and some random snacks.

"We also need disposable cups and plates" Zainab remaindered her. "Are you sure you don't need help"

"Acting like one saint, I said leave it abi" Khalid had already offered to drive her and that was the biggest help she could ever need, free transport.

They came back home around two-thirty. Khalid had made sure they exceeded their budget. They bought every thing they needed in excess plus those they didn't need.

"It's a gathering of less then ten people, what on earth will we

do with all this?" Zainab asked in disbelief.

"All I have been saying" Zinar glared at Khalid who was just there smiling like a fool. "Am never going shopping with you" Khalid made the whole shopping difficult while she was trying to get back early and set up the place. Everything distracted him from kids to pets to food. It took them thirty minutes just to decide the drinks to take.

By seven their house had more people than planed. Linda's friends had tagged along. Tima also brought a few of her friends who thought they could invite their friends also. At the end of the day, the get together of less than ten people became a bash of almost twenty-five people. Khalid's extravagance did come in handy. Zinar was not pleased at all so was Zainab but they had to act cool. After all it was a one-night thing.

"Wow! You step up for a gathering" Maryam commented admiring the living room. Their apartment was a room, kitchen, living room and a toilet and balcony. They had a small space lobby where they kept their shoes and hung their coats. The sitting room was of an average size, a three sitter and a one sitter, a carpet at the middle and a center table. It wasn't much but it was well enough for students. Zinar and Khalid decorated the place with balloons and other accessories and arranged the area for the snacks and drinks.

"Your crush helped" Zinar replied her which in return made Maryam jump in delight.

"His such a gentleman, how many men help their friends out like this or even know how to do things like this" she looked somewhat proud. Zinar chuckled at her behavior.

The party lasted till eleven and the house was back to just the two of them except with a very messy living room lithered with gift bags and used cups and a messy toilet. As Zinar thought, they disappeared except for Maryam and Chinyere who helped take out the trash.

Zinar had called Khalid the next day to tell him how things had turned out and he kept bragging about how he had hidden wisdom. All in all the party was fun, they danced, ate, gist, snapped pictures and repeat.

Zinar's mom- Mrs. Zahra'u called her a bit after her call with Khalid. Her brother Abakar had given birth to a baby girl that day. He had been married for two years then.

"Allah ya raya" she said happily

"Allah sarki zamu sha suna baki" she heard one of her aunties said. She was never into naming ceremonies. Some people spent two-three days celebrating, she never really understood the need for that.

"Please don't make me cry. I know everybody will be there enjoying" she said with a sad child's tune playing along. "Dan Allah keep my nama and send me pictures". She said before Khadija her cousin collected the phone. She was her other half even though she was a year younger. They did everything together. The phone call lasted more than thirty minutes. The phone was passed down from one aunt to an uncle to a family friend and so on. Her mother had a lot of people and was also good with them. She was the friendliest person Zinar knew. She would introduce her to people but the highest she went with them was a thirty seconds convo and a smile.

"Allah ya shi Albarka, Allah ya bada saa" her mother prayed before ending the call. She called her brother afterwards to congratulate him and tease him about being a father.  

So what do ya think?
Am going to in sha Allah try to update Saturdays and Tuesdays.
Have a nice day...❤❤

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