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Ahmad parked his car and walked into a Yemeni restaurant. He had managed to reschedule some of his Tuesday's appointment and get off work earlier. He walked towards the garden where he found Khalid, Harith and Fathi laughing with Tariq almost choking. Ahmad patted his back before sitting down.

"What's making you choke" he asked as he said salaam to each person.

"Dude you remember the first time we snuck out and used your father car?" Tariq asked Fathi still laughing.

"I can't believe I let you talk me into taking girls out" he shook his head laughing.

"Talk you into?" Khalid asked looking around them in mock confusion. "Ya walad, nobody talks you into doing anything when it comes to girls"

"Sahih, You do dumb shit" Ahmad finished and they all burst out laughing.

They caught up with each other's lives. They all had busy lives and didn't meet often. Tariq was a writer and reporter, Harith and Fathi were also in business like Ahmad.

"Am planning on going to KSA this New Year In Sha Allah" Harith said munching on his bread.

"You should It's been so long" Tariq said

"Sara needs to her visit her real home" Harith was married with a four-year-old daughter.

"We want to have the baby there"

"Ma sha Allah, Yakhi mubruk" they all said in chorus and he laughed "Thanks, its been crazy I've forgotten how pregnant women can be and Sara is super excited she told all her friends that her mom is baking a baby" he finished and they all laughed.

"You see I want this but"

"Here we go" Tariq caught Fathi off. Fathi was the ladies man, he always said "Why please one woman if you can please more?". "Man you're a grown man you have to stop this child's play" Tariq said firmly.

"Everyone is saying so, probably why they got me a wife" he said airily causing Khalid to almost choke.

"And you agreed?"

"I don't have a choice" he replied steering his drink. "My father is threatening to cut me off" he said slightly clenching his jaw "And am not willing to lose everything I have worked for because of a girl".

They all looked at each other upon hearing the unexpected news, Fathi's father had always been fierce and rigid.

"What are you planning on doing?"

"Get married and live happily ever after" he said sarcastically with detest in the air.

"Does the girl like you?"

"I don't think she has much of a choice either"

"If she's pretty and hot how bad could it be" Tariq said trying to lighten the mood. They all chuckled briefly.

"I don't even know how to tell Tina"

"T- Tina? Tina is still..."

"You're not planning on having two relationships are you?" Khalid asked.

"I love Tina and if I lose her I might not be a particularly good person to this girl, so I'll do my thing and she does whatever she wants to do. Frankly I don't care"

"What happened to you man? This is way below you" said Harith

"Khalas, Harith don't lecture me, I have already made up my mind" he dropped his cup and leaned back on his chair.

Something lived, Something feltNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ