I'll Be Watching You...pt 2

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Nadia's point of view

Two days later

"So how was the movie?"

"Hmm?Oh yeah it was good."I replied and knocked down a napkin by accident.

"What's the matter you look distracted."Jill said wiping the counter.

"I don't know.I have been thinking a lot.I got the weirdest letter."I said frowning.

"What was in it?"

"It was-here let me show you."I grabbed my bag from the employee room and rummaged through it.

I pulled out a white manilla enevelope which bore my name in a cursive flourish.

Jill looked at me as I handed her the envelope then she opened it and pulled out the letter.

"I love you.

I want to be with you.

I want you to be mine and mine alone.

Soon that day will come until then I'll be watching you..."

She read aloud.

"What's so weird about that? You've got a secret admirer."Jill said raising an eyebrow.

"I get that but the last bit,"I'll be watching you."It sounds kinda creepy."I confessed.

"You're just being paranoid.So a guy wrote you a love note."

"It's not a love note."

"It says the three words, I love you, so yeah Nadia it is a love note.Now the question who is this secret admirer and why the hell don't I already know about him?"Jill demanded.

"Beats me."I shrugged giving a small smile.

"Has any guy been hanging around you?"

"None I can think of."I said.

"Has anyone been casually bumping into you?"


"Anyone asked you out whom you turned down?"

"Not this year."I said truthfully.I hadn't got around to go to some place where I could be asked out by some guy and simultaneously reject him.

"He's good.Real good.But I'm better.I'll keep my eyes and ears open and I suggest you do the same.In the meantime get to work."Jill said nodding in the direction of customers who were lining up waiting for us to take their order.

I smiled at Jill.I knew I could count on her to help me out or just be there to listen.

We got to work and due to the crowd had to work half an hour extra than our usual shift.

"Phew! I'm exhausted.I would kill for a massage."Jill moaned rubbing the back of her neck.I nodded my agreement, rubbing my ankles.We had been standing for four hours straight.

"So what're your plans for tonight?"

"None.Oh wait I could go for a hot bath and pizza with a good movie."I said.

"Bo-ring!"Jill yawned.

"Oh really? What are your plans for tonight Miss Jillian?"

"Why Miss Nadia I am going to Incubus and dance till I drop."Jill said faking a British accent.

I laughed.

"You should come with me.Infact yeah you have to come with me."Jill said nodding excitedly.

"No it's ok I-"

"No buts or excuses.You're coming with me and that's final.Let's share a cab back home.I'll drop you first then I'll come back to your place after getting dressed so we can go together."Jill said getting up.

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