I'll Be Watching You...pt 5

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Nadia's point of view

The next day.

"That's so stupid! Girls in real life don't swoon over the guy who shoots at them and then tries to rescue them to be a hero!"Jill scoffed.

"Yeah I know that's pretty much why they're called movies Jill.Stuff like that doesn't happen in real life."

"Yeah in real life you get sick creepy secret admirers."Jill mumbled darkly.I smiled.

She was still peeved about the sketch.

"I can't believe you made me watch this.Let's go grab some food and we can watch a better movie at home."I said getting up as the credits began to roll on the big cinema screen.

"A movie in which someone gets killed?"Jill said looking hopefully.

"Okay."I nodded.She loved watching horror flicks.

She smiled and we shoved past the crowd.

Her cellphone rang.She took the call while I waited for her.

"Ugh! Ok fine! Bye."

Jill walked up to me and grimaced.

"I have to go pick something for mom and drop my sister to her dance class."

"Okay.I'll take a nap while you do that.We'll watch the movie when you're back."I said.

"Cool.I've got to go now or she'll blow a fuse.See you in a few hours."Jill said hailing a cab.I waved her off and walked towards my house.

I wasn't thinking about anything definite but my thoughts wandered off to the sketch and the letter.

Whoever the secret admirer was, he needed some serious help.If he liked me so much then why didn't he just come up to me and say-

"You dropped this."a man said making me jump.

"What?"I blinked looking at him.

"Your letter.It fell from your bag when you were talking to your friend."the man repeated.I stared at him suspiciously.

"You mean you just wanted to hand it to me without making a scene."I said bitterly.He could be the secret admirer for all I knew.He was a bit too old though.In his early thirties.

"Huh? Look I don't have time for this.I saw you leave the cinema and it fell from your bag while you were talking to your friend.If you don't want it then I'll throw it away.Either way I don't care.I have a bus to catch."the guy said irritatedly.

I flushed and took the letter from him.


The guy rolled his eyes and walked away.

I watched him disappear in the crowd and examined the letter.

I scrunched up my nose in disgust when I saw my name written in black ink.

It was by him.

I bagged it without a second thought.

I walked home quickly, barely noticing anything around me.The wheels in mind were turning like that of a train's engine being driven at full speed.

What will it say now?

Another disgusting picture or another creepy letter?

What if it's something worse?

I swallowed and ran up the steps to my house.I turned the key in the lock quickly and went inside slamming the door shut.I threw the keys at the table,shrugged off my coat and put my bag down.

I'll Be Watching You...(on hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें