Chapter 12

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(16 weeks )
I Got ready for the day.

I walk into the bathroom and start to do my make up for the day. After I got my make up done, I start to fix my hair, I pull up my hair in a bun.

Later at the Doctor's
I walk into the doctor's office while Harry holds my hand. I put my name on the clipboard. I wait for them to call my name back. Minutes later. I follow the nurse back into a room, The nurse checks my height and weight. The nurse tells me to lay down on the table, and pull up my shirt. I watch her move the stick around on my stomach. the baby looks really healthy The Nurse said. Do you guys want to know what you are having? I look over at Harry, I ask do you want to know, He replied it's your choice. Yes, we want to know what we are having I said. It's Looks like You guys are Having a Boy! The Nurse said. Omg, I can't believe it, I'm so happy, I said. I look over at Harry and see a big look on his face. I see a big shocking look on his face.
I chuckled at the look on Harry's face. I clean the gel off my stomach, I watch the Nurse go get the pictures, of the baby.

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