Chapter 109

246 7 3

( 15 weeks )

Increased sex drive. Now that your energy is back, you may be feeling more energetic in the bedroom as well. Nosebleeds.

Heartburn, gas and/or indigestion. ...

Swollen gums. ...

Shortness of breath.


I was woken by Harry laying on my chest, I open my eyes and look down at my husband.

What are you doing Harry, I said.

I just talking to the twins, you can go back to sleep if you want or you stay awake and listen to me talking to the twins, Harry said.

No Go head and talk to the twins, I just listen to you, I said as I run my fingers threw his dark hair.

Hello Guys, It's Daddy Here, I just want to say that I love you guys so much and you two aren't even here yet and I'm already crazy about you two, Harry said as He kisses my huge bump.

I got Damian and Skarlet Halloween costumes already, I said.

Really that great, What did you get for them, Harry said.

Jack and Sally from Nightmare before Christmas, I said.

That Sounds Cute, Harry said.

Yeah, When I found them, I fell in love with them, I said.

Yeah, When I found them, I fell in love with them, I said

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