The Lab

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Massaging her temples for the third time already, Moira thought this assistant was going to be the death of her. Why for god sake has she been assigned such clumsy labrats ? Her work in Overwatch started with great hopes but soon transformed into headaches. And unfortunately it was not due to a mind challenging problem. It was due to the constant feeling that she was slowed down by all the people around here.

Sure, she knew she will have to do concessions. In fact she always did, working in team was her pet-peeve, but there is nothing achieved through easy situations. For the now well named -Doctor- O'Deorain working in a team was much harder than anything, even though she couldn't deny the speed increase when you work with a team, a competent one.

The problem was, she was not in a "competent team". And that is a struggle on its own. She can't complain to the superiors because it would be considered as being rude and/or annoying, and her abilities in working as a team would be put on a bad display. And let's face it, she should probably face the fact that she isn't good at it. The whole "team" part. But Dr. O'Deorain believed in improvements. Except for Nigel Imnol, he was definitely the most annoying assistant she ever had. The poor lad couldn't help it but he crashed the fourth ... The FOURTH ... beaker in three hours. Those same hours in which Moira tried to focus on writting her daily report and advancing on her own article and reasearch while Nigel was supposed to lead the experiment details and note down the results. It was a formality for the reason the results were already obvious to Moira, but she had to keep him busy in some way .

Moira was known to be brilliant, nearly excentric in her way and cold. But what her reports revealed was much more interesting. You could almost feel the bitterness after the first line read. She lead different projects, but she'd rather do it ll from A to Z alone. She had the feeling it would be done already. The doctor had a reputation and was seen as domineering, it was not the first time rumors scared away some people. Some were true, some were not, who knows ?

Not Nigel for sure ... He look up to his boss desk to see two eyes shut, trying to contain an anger that came from hours of frustration and annoyance. But when Moira's eyes went open he knew it was the last beaker he would ever break. The doctor stood up, the chair rolling a bit backward. Her mouth was firmly shut but ho he knew how bad he will feel when they those lips were going to be parted.

"Nigel ..." She said, her left hand hanging in the air like it was waiting for salvation. "If you're interested in the creating process of 'glass' I highly suggest you to leave that lab for we do not experiment this as you do not seem to understand."

The three other assistants present in the room were looking at him with pity. They kind of liked him even if he was cursed with that clumsiness of him. But well, he was sure going to leave that lab from now on judging by the look Moira gave at him. If you're one of those people ; caring and knowing when to give a small hint to the person you want to help because you know if he/she talks it's going to be worse, well you're not here today. Actually Sandra, Nigel's co-worker, knew he had to shut it, but ho boy he didn't and she was not in his sight to warn him some way or another.

- Doctor O'deorain I am deeply sor-

- And so am I. It's a shame I won't help you acknowledge what a door is because if you do not face the only one in this room right away I'm afraid I will have to show you in a practical experiment what it is.

Saying that line her hand joined the other one on her desk suggesting it was the end of their "discussion" her eyes already focus on the next problem, the shattered glass on the floor. Nigel throat was locked, his consciousness taking over control and ordering to his legs to move to take the most silent and rapid leave of history.

Moira reached the damaged zone of her laboratory. Picking up the mess with a relaxed attitude she noticed that her entire team was watching her with uneasy faces. They just didn't know what to do and that was actually one of the reasons Moira found them tiring. She stopped what she was doing in the middle of it, freezing the moment as she was leaning down a hand holding a piece of the unlucky beaker who met "Nigel, the flask crusher".

- May I help you with anything ?

And then everyone realized they had work to do. Moira reprimed a little smirk that still found its way across her left cheeck. After getting rid of the glass shards she went back to her desk. Her thin fingers were going back to her digital keyboard and as she mechanically pressed Ctrl+S the door went open, again. Her hands froze and a long sigh prepared to exhale as her eyes were forced to look up to someone a second time.

- Doctor O'deorain, may I interrupt your work for a minute ?

Here she was, the young and brilliant doctor Ziegler who not only saved lives on battelfield but was also an incredible nanobiologist and head of Overwatch's medical research, her superior. Did Nigel already whined around the blonde lab' ?  Moira tensed a little, not because she feared her superior but because Angela Ziegler was kindly ordering her to stop what she was doing. And Moira hated to be slowed down or interrupted while she was working as you might have already noticed. But this situation could not be fixed with the same "diplomatic" way she used on the flask crusher.

- Is there anything you need doctor Ziegler ?

Moira remained calm and on her chair while her right hand waved up a little, politely offering her boss to enter the place. Angela did and then added :

-I would like to talk to you in private.

Some of the assistants looked at the head of medical research then at their direct boss, then again to Ziegler in a confused atmosphere. Should they leave ? Moira raised an eyebrow wondering what required three labrats to leave and doctor Ziegler chose to add some clarification on the matter :

- This subject is confidential and there is no empty laboratory at this hour. If you don't mind, it is rather urgent.

She first adressed to the doctor O'deorain, but the word "you" in her last sentence was also kind of aiming the others around, her eyes asking for cooperation. Moira looked at her team and decided that demand couldn't be denied.

- You heard doctor Ziegler, we'll finish this later. Everyone out, take a break ... And do not bring back Nigel with you.

Angela gave a questionning look to Moira, the redhead answered with a fake smile avoiding the subject whispering a "it' snothing" switching her attitude in a waiting stance to force the guardian angel to focus more on what she wanted to tell her.

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