The Chase

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Not only Dr. O'Deorain got rid of her task in three days after the deal, but she also managed to work on another of her ideas causing an entire Overwatch department being assigned a new line of reasearch. As the brilliant geneticist she was, Moira discovered you could store digital data using the base sequence of DNA. The idea was simple, if you could store datas using a binary code then you could store way more using DNA base code. It took one gramm of DNA to be able to store 215 petabytes of digital data. Finding space to store your incredible amount of hard drive wouldn't be a problem anymore for the sillicon valley as well as the hardware deteriorating issue ... DNA won't.

Her field was genetics not informatic,so another department took the problem at hand. Our dear Doctor found a way of storing through DNA now it was up to others to find a way to create something that could read it easily.

Her article on the matter was for once appreciated by her peers. To a point Overwatch leader, Gaspar, went into her lab to congratulate her personnaly. Among the medical department, the rumors about Moira amplified. She was thought to never sleep and they almost were true about that, she did not in three days but not because she found a way to rewrite her brain resting system as some were implying. It was because Dr. O'Deorain really wanted to finish what she was onto the fastest way possible.She had to send a message to Dr. Angela Ziegler ;  " working with me is the best choice you will ever make " and this progress in data storing was a good start for that. The day Moira would join Ziegler's project had finally came.

She has been assigned to a greater lab, a newly built one meeting Angela's expectations as well as Moira'sone. *Brilliant* she thought while entering it with her stuff. The place was still empty from most of the equipment that has to be brought around here. Silently the readhead walked in, scouting out where will be her desk and her main work table. She put an hand in her right pocket, searching for her badge, the key to any technologic device in this area of the facility. Being one of the top scientist from Overwatch some priviledge. Moira thought about the ones Dr. Ziegler could have and it somehow became more and more interesting working with her.

Talking about the devil -or should we say angel ?- Mercy irrupted in the room. She caught Moira inspecting a shelf (was it fixed by a screw orwas it glued this way ? She couldn't tell yet) and Angela couldn't help but thinking her new partner has a cute face when she's focused. That face didn't stay for long though, earing Angela entering in the room Moira quickly stood up to the new comer. The way she went back up felt like a child caught on a fellony trying to appear clean, the idea made Angela chuckle lightly.

-Will you share your joke ? Or you're just going to keep it to yourself ? Said Moira crossing her hands behind her back.

-Good day to you too, Dr O'Deorain.

Angela tried to point out with a sarcastic voice the fact that Moira hadn't seen her today and that greetings were in order. Dang it ! Moira always killed the fun out of everything she thought.

- My apologies, miss Ziegler.

The way Moira was adressing to her was always strange, there was always this tiny hint of charm hidden behind a wall of needles. She couldn't quite figure if the Dr. O'Deorain was condescending to her or just trying to show off. Frankly she couldn't tell, but this looked like a bad start. Angela decided to pass on that detail as it was probably just her overthinking it and Moira just being herself ; strange and particularily handsome with a touch of poisonous glare.

Now that she's thinking about it, working with the doctor O'deorain mightbe more difficult than she'd thought.

-Granted. I wanted to show you what we will need to work on.

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