The Assistant

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Short dark hair, chocolate skin and a very confused look behind tiny glasses greeted Moira's gaze. Nigel entered the room wih the firm intention to expose Moira in front ofher boss now that they were working together. What Nigel didn't expect though was that heavy breathings and a strange atmosphere took place in the lab a certain time before he entered.

At first he saw nothing, just an empty lab freshly settled, lights on here and there offering the space a feeling of '' end of work ''. Then he saw something that froze him in an instant. A familiar hand appeared from behind the table to grab it followed by a readhead with an intense look of dissatisfaction mixed with anger. He was disturbing, there was no doubt about it. Nigel considered running away but it was too late and Moira's eyes were fixing him so intensely that he couldn't move. She managed to stood up but said nothing, instead a slow inhale broke the silence.

From all people that could disturb them, Moira thought that couldn't be any worse .. Or better. She knew how to manage that poor labrat Nigel was. But anger was taking the best of her and she started to walk fastly toward Nigel, with an attitude that made him retreat two step away.

- You !

Her hair were messy, and even if she managed to put back her clothes before appearing behind the table it was clear she did it too quickly. One button wasn't at the right place and her tie was still on the floor somewhere. Nigel was maybe messy and easily distracted, but he was not a fool he understood right away what was happenning.

- I ... I didn't want to disturb y-

His hands placed themselves in front of him as a reflex to put some distance between the two of them, he sincerely didn't know what the Dr. O'deorain was going to do, and he didn't want to.

- From all the foolish assistants, it has to be you !

Her voice tried so much to contain her anger that she almost growled at him. Her right hand attempted to grab his wrist but her moove was stopped by the look of horror Nigel had at that moment. His look was slightly sliding next to Moira's left cheek. He just saw Dr. Ziegler appearing from behind the table with a look of both confusion and discomfort toward Moira and him. Her clothes were kind of in the same state as the redhead's one. Nigel felt betrayed and shocked at the same time. He was actually counting on the relationship the two doctor had to pressure Moira with his complaint to Angela Ziegler, but it seemed the situation had changed drastically between the two. All the indian assistant could say at that look was an open mouth and gasp of terror.

Moira stopped her wish for violence there, she was satisfied by the state of her ex assistant. He was horribly confused and one could clearly see on his face that he wished to be dead instead of being her at this moment. And all of this was more to the expanse of Angela than herself. The only thing she regrets is that she couldn't continue further her '' fight ''with the blonde doctor. Talking about her, Angela tried to cool down the situation with a soft and unsure voice :

- Forgive the mood of the doctor O'Deorain and ... Can you explain me who you are and what you wanted comming here ?

This sentence scratched a little Moira's pride but she remained silent and prefered to see what Nigel would have to answer to that. He had a lot to say about how the genetecist behaved when she was his boss but all of his felt ridiculous now and the only thing present to his mind was a way to flee from that situation.

- Nothing I ... Should go.

Moira grinned at him with a contempt look. She got away with it once again because of others who attached a great deal about social norms. Speaking of which she'll have to deal with Angela's reflex now she was forced to get back to reason, unfortunately for the Dr. O'Deorain who would sure have drink more of her despair and pleasure.

Nigel took another rapid leave of history in which he was beginning to be very competent at. The redhead wanted to keep him here and put him more into discomfort but that would certainly cross the line between being the arrogant Dr.O'Deorain and the oppressive one higher ups sould take care about. Plus, Angela's stressed breath got Moira's attention. She turned to her with another expression. Her grin went smaller and her eyes less sharp. Her sadistic side was still satisfied but Moira felt almost bad for Dr. Ziegler. The charming lady has been interrupted in the middle of a rush of pleasure after all, and in such a brutal way that even to Moira's sadistic advice it wasn't fair.

Silence took place in which Angela corrected the state of her clothes. Giving Moira the idea she did the same. As she was going to say something, Angela interrupted her :

- This won't happen again.

Moira had a low laugh while putting her left hand on her hips.

- Of course, Dr. Ziegler.

Angela glanced back at her with a surprisingly dark look. She wasn't kidding about this, or so she thought. Her desire for Moira went growing at that very moment but she highly repressed it, Nigel's interruption was enough of a turn off. However she was blushing so much even her could feel it.

- I'm serious. I made a mistake.

Moira went back in front of Angela, with a respectful space between them now. She still looked down ather, again.

- But you enjoyed that mistake, didn'tyou ?

Angela gave no answer but lips firmly closed and an exhale of anger and frustration. She sure did, but she wasn't going to admit it.

- Alright, alright. I'm stopping there. May I get my tie back ?

Angela just wanted to get back to her flat now. She had a lot of things to think through and real work will start tomorrow morning. She better be ready but she also wanted toclear that point with Moira. She knew deep down that the Dr.O'Deorain would contain herself, and her love for science and wor kwas way higher than anything in the world. But could Angela contain herself ? Judging by what happenned today, the blonde docto rwasn't sure anymore. In order to end this situation the quicker possible she grabed the tie on the floor and gave it to Moira without really thinking.

- Thank you.

The redhead took the tie with a gentle touch form which Angela flew away the fastest she could. Turning her back to Moira, as she went to the door. She paused in front of it, the sound of the glass door sliding open.

- Not a word. About all this.

Moira took a sarcastic voice mixed with amusement :

- What happenned ?

Angela's head nodded and then she went away. Moira watched the charming doctor going away, she was going to put her tie back but her right hand reminded her something now dry was on it. She washed her hands by one of the lab's sink and knot the tie back to her neck. This day didn't go as planned but she was feeling great. Victory has never been so sweet.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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