The Revenge

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The redhead analytic sense was oddly active, as if the situation helped her developping it in a very strange way. She could -see- what her coworker was thinking and it was very amusing. If Moira knew lust acted as a verita serum on doctor Ziegler she would have used it sooner. Her right hand was exploring Angela's sides, going up and trying to count her ribs. Every time she insisted on one, Angela was containning a gasp by the fourth one she couldn't. This took a grin out of Moira's face. By the look Angela gave to her it was clear her gorgeous victim wanted more of her touch but the genetecist wasn't ready to give her that yet.

Angela was trying to get a hold on the locker behind her because her legs were betraying her. She managed to stand up for now but for how long will that be the truth ? A part of her was still confused, like all of this was a mistake yet it was the best she ever made to her taste. Her mind wanted Moira but her body was acting like it wanted to flee away from the readhead demon. Her right hand was holding the border of the locker while the other one went flat on it, behind her left thigh. Moira adopted asadistic look and began to lean her face down to her own but very, very slowly. Reveling in the way Angela's heavy breathing made her chest bump up and down, her fragile body trying to flee backward only to agknowledge it was already pinned against something metallic and cold. Angela's chin was up, her lips slightly parted as she tried to figure out what the doctor O'deorain was about to do. Moira's breath was low and calm, but it was all a facade. She was muttering her breath way too much focused on the way she was making the brilliant nanobiologist shiver under her gaze. It stroke her ego to be as feared as desired by the so untouchable doctor Ziegler. Moira made the blonde woman waiting for a kiss that never came, her lips approached very closely to Angela's one but then went down on her jawline, leaving tender kisses until she reached her left ear. In the meantime, Moira's left hand reached out for Angela's right wrist that was still making her hands find a way to hold herself against the locker. Angela felt the older woman's hand was less gentle that her lips. She didn't resist, thinking resisting could be worse since she already had trouble managing how desperate she was for Moira's toungue on her collar bones. Her right arm was lifted up and soon found a resting place above her head, hold tightly by Moira's firmgrip. Judging by the strengh her coworker used Angela could understand it was some sort of revenge from the way she grabed Moira's one earlier. Unfortunately for her Angela wasn't in position to answer such a provocation, her neck was offered to the older woman and her eyes closed by anticipation and desire.

Pain openned her eyes, she felt a bite on her ear and it was not a nice one. Angela gasped in pain and tried to turn her head to Moira's one, but she stopped as she heard a devious and low laugh coming out from her. Her jaw and cheekbones were pressing against her neck, Moira was not allowing Angela to give her a look just yet. Her mouth was playing with Angela's neck, searching for weakpoints. To the blonde doctor everything felt like it was. A playful tongue found its way on her neck and she couldn't help but escaping a light moan to which Moira answered with teeth. The bite was smooth, defeating Angela's defenses, putting her offguard. And when that was done the bite went stronger, on the edge of being painful and absolutely delitghful.

The guardian angel's legs failed to hold her any longer, forcing Moira to catch Angela's right thigh with her left hand to maintain her up, releasing then the blonde's wrist. It fell down on her collegue's arm trying to get a hold on her. The geneticist used her right hand to grab the angel's back, making sure she doesn't fall. Angela was feeling dizzy, but she really tried to stand on her left leg, since the other one was pressing against Moira's hips. She felt her nails digging a bit into her thigh, gravity and weight weren't helping.

- Already falling for me miss Ziegler ?

That taunt Moira gave her helped her gainning some energy as she growled back at her. She used her left hand to try to push away the so handsome Moira O'deorain who had a certain talent in making her feel both horny and angry. Amused by how much Angela was trying to fight her despite her weakness Moira allowed her dear Ziegler her wish. She gave her neck to the hand that wanted to grab it. Angela felt the demon's blood pressure and it excited her more than she thought it would. She was staring at her hand around that neck she sometimes wished she could snap. But then the daring gaze Moira gave her betrayed the fact that she knew exactly what she was thinking. It made Angela unconfortable as she realized she was an open book to her rival. Her thoughts were mixing with confusion, because it felt like Moira was a rival yet she had nothing to prove to her or to anyone. Angela was always looking for bad intentions except within. But more and more of them came to her thoughts and it began hard to ignore them.

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