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The smell hits me first. The smell of popcorn, in crispy buttery waves.

"The movie is starting soon, we should get to our seats."

He squeezes my hand in a soft reassuring way. I like it, it gives me comfort in this crowded place full of loud and smelly individuals. The whole place is a big blinding blur. The lights, the food, the people. Luckily he keeps me close and guides me along. 

Soon the world transitions from light to dark as we enter the theater room. There's quiet murmurs of conversations across the room as the massive screen in the front begins to play. We rush to our seats and get a few evil looks from those behind us trying to watch the opening scenes. It makes me uncomfortable, but his grin quickly reassures me. 

We sit down quietly as the film begins. Something inside of me feels so wrong, I just can't get comfortable. Maybe its the chair, maybe its the people, maybe its the smells. It's like my soul is shaking beneath my skin and every instinct inside of me wants to run and hide. But the moment comes and goes as his hand slides atop of mine.

I look at him, he smiles at me. He moves his mouth, and even though no words come out I know exactly what he says.

I give a reassuring nod. I'm okay.

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