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Im addicted.

I'm addicted to the air that fills my lungs.

Too much of it and I feel winded. Too little and I shall die.

I'm addicted to the internet.

Connecting me to the world around me. Letting me embrace art and creations, and meet people I have never seen before.

I am addicted to food.

The flavors, the taste. Sour, sweet, salty, sugar. Filling me up and keeping me alive. From Pizza and chips to eggs and bacon.

I was addicted.

I was addicted to love. First it was a notion, but then it was a motion. Their smile shining at me. My hand in theirs, their embrace keeping me calm and collected. Our lips touch and everything in the world fades away as it becomes just us floating in the void of space surrounded by stars. Forever glistening, undying.

Addiction withdrawal. I am starved of love.

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