//Hearing Voices//

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The sound of their voices fill my ears and bounce around the inside of my head. They're all loud. Everyone else is happy and loud in their own ways. Their conversations filling the hall and letting just anybody eavesdrop. They speak of many things, some words I hear bring back memories and doubt. Other people judge. Without a care in the world. Not caring who hears their hateful words. They want us to hear, they live off of our pain. The voices of everyone around me mix and mingle, and soon the voice in my head joins them. It begins to scream louder than them. Feeding me facts and suspicions. Telling me how I don't fit in, telling me how people probably speak of me when i'm not around. Reminding me that nobody stays, so I push those who have away. Telling me i'm a horrible person.

The sound of their voices burn. The sound of my thoughts are sharp. In the end I mentally have cuts and burns upon me, just underneath the skin.

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