Chapter 4 - The Morning After

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Aria's POV

I woke up with a bad hangover. My head was killing me, it felt like the entire room was spinning around. That's what you get for drinking half of your body weight. My eyes were still trying to adjust to the light when a loud voice said, "Morning sleepyhead. How are you feeling?"

"Kill me, please kill me. But I deserve even worse so", Which was the truth. I wish I didn't even remember what happened last night, but unfortunately, I did.

"What are you talking about?", she asked with a concern in her tone.

"It's way too early for this. I need quiet."

"Okay, I'm making breakfast. Do you want something?"

"Oh God no! Please don't mention food. I'm gonna vomit", I said while hugging my pillow.

"Do you want some water?" Yes, water. That's exactly what I needed. And I needed to turn my pillow around so I could feel the coldness against my face.

"Yes, please. And can you please close the drapes."

"Sure. I'll be right back."

Darkness. Thank God. After drinking about half a liter of water I tried to go back to sleep which was hard since the events from last night still kept haunting me. How did I go from being the good girl to almost losing my virginity to a stranger and dirty dancing with Matthew? I gave the man with the icy blue eyes a wrong name - Aubrey's. So there's no way he'd be able to find me and why would he even want to.


When I finally managed to crawl out of bed, I was already starting to feel better. My hands were still shaking and my breath was horrendous, but it couldn't be compared to how I felt before my nap. Dawn was in the kitchen drinking coffee.

"You're up. Come and eat, you'll feel better", she was always the one who took care of everyone.

When I refused to leave my house, she was the one who turned up and made everyone dinner. My entire family was a mess and she was there for all of us. She cooked, cleaned, did our shopping for us - she's a fucking angel. I'm so grateful to have her in my life. I'm grateful for both of them.

What Caroline lacks in that department, she makes up for with her sparkling personality. She was there to make me laugh. She was the one who dragged me out of the house and made me put an effort into my appearance.

"You are the best, you know that right?"

"Of course", she said with a shy smile. I don't think she really understands how rare it is to have a friend like her.

Just as I'm about to take a sip of the coffee, Caroline walks into the kitchen. She looks like she had some fun last night and by the noises I heard when I got up in the middle of the night, I'm sure she did. She kept calling out Christian's name. I'm pretty sure all the neighbors must have heard them. Her hair resembled a birds nest and her mouth looked bruised from kisses.

"Morning bitches, where's my food?" she said way too cheerfully for this hour. At least someone was happy.

"Come and grab a plate."

I cleared my throat and asked, "So... Where's Christian?"

She had her back towards us and she was spreading Nutella on her bread when she came to a stop and turned around to look at us.

"How did you know he was here?"

"Because you were screaming out his name last night."

"I need therapy after everything I heard last night", said Dawn with a disgusted face.

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