Wildest Dreams

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I can't stop thinking about Blaine. His kind words circle my mind "Nice crocs" seems to echo throughout my body. I keep checking my hands to see evidence of the electric burn he gave me with his large hands, but no remnants can be seen of our powerful exchange. Before I can drown myself in the multitude of thoughts about Blaine, my best friends Tina and Laurence interrupt me as we sit on our designated table in the corner of the cafeteria.

"Why do you look so loved up?" Tina inquires with curiosity.

Tina is a short curvy girl with a personality as large as her boobs! And trust me thats big! She has passion for fashion and as always her outfit is flawless. She's wearing galaxy print stockings, a maroon skater skirt with a matching beanie and a graphic tee with the words "I'm not weird, I'm a unicorn" on it. To top it all off she has healed holographic boots. She is a queen. I often find myself jealous of her epic style and confidence. No wonder she has a boyfriend as cool as Laurence. I don't even know why they're friends with me. Laurence is a scene kid with bright red hair styled in a side fringe and deathly pale skin. His shirt matches Tina's with the slogan "daddy unicorn" written across his chest in galaxy print font. His dark eye makeup and dimple piercing make him look badass and he is.

"I'm not loved up! That's ridiculous!" I exclaim, possibly a little suspiciously defensive.

"Whatever you say Cora, but I know that look. That's how Laurence looks at me, isn't it buttercup!" Tina says looking admiringly at her boyfriend.

"Damn straight babygirl"

They proceed to make out in front of me, reminding me of how lonely I am. This pang of envy has never hit me before but after my exchange with Blaine I find myself craving the kind of love Tina and Laurence have. Before I can further fall down the hole of self pity I hear someone clear their voice.

I turn around to see a teacher, not just any teacher but Mrs Lorenzo, or Mrs Loz for short. She clears her voice louder and gestures towards Tina and Laurence who are still sucking faces. I pinch Tina's upper arm and she finally pulls away from her lover.

"Tina Myers and Laurence Cringebergs no public displays of affection on campus. This is a school not a zoo." Mrs Loz says with a harsh tone. Everyone knows Mrs Loz is single and lonely, thats probably why she's so intolerant of couples showing their love.

"Soz Mrs Loz" Tina states with a confident voice. I try to stifle my laugh but quickly we all begin to giggle as Mrs Loz hates her nickname. Our giggle stop as she slams her fist down on the table, the sound echoing around the cafeteria. I can feel all the eyes of the students on us. This is my nightmare.

"Detention after school! Even you Cora King." Mrs Loz shouts with rage, pieces of spit hitting my face but I don't dare wipe them away in fear of furthering her rage. No one says anything, not even confident Tina and fearless Laurence, that's the effect Mrs Loz has on people.

I feel tears well up in my eyes. I'm a crier. I cry at everything. Tina and Laurence can sense how upset I am and as soon as Mrs Loz leaves they begins to break into a choir of apologies.

"We're so sorry Cora, but it's okay it's only one detention, Laurence goes all the time and who knows maybe you will meet a bad boy in there!" Tina comforts.

"Yeah maybe." I say not totally convinced.


Author's note

Hey guys! I'll try to update as soon as I can!!! hope you enjoyed this chapter xoxoxo comment and vote pls xoxoxoxoxooxox


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